Ah, the age old question: How much does a website cost? This is a tricky question and can best be answered with a favourite analogy of ours - purchasing a new car, that is unless of course you purchase from a free lance designer. Many free lancers offer a flat rate depending on how many pages you have on your site, for instance for 20$ you can geta 10 page site designed over at Flatbow designs. (see bottom of article for link)
Secondly, let us defend those who ask the question. Typically they know very little about website design and are simply starting their research into finding a good, professional website design company to do business with and rarely do they consider that their might be cheaper resources out their. If you have asked this question before, don't feel bad. But if the website design company you're asking seems a bit apprehensive toward answering this question you'll soon see why. Don't be ashamed to ask the old "how much" question; just be a little more informed as to why this question cannot be answered without asking several others first.
Asking how much it will cost to have a website designed is a lot like walking into a car dealership and asking "How much for a vehicle?" Except, the car dealership you've walked into carries every make and model of car, truck, van, SUV and motorbike ever made. I bet you're beginning to understand why this question is a little unfair. But let us go on.
The salesperson in car/truck/SUV/motorbike MEGA dealership will probably ask you what sort of vehicle you're looking for, for starters (after he stops shaking his head). Did you want a sports car? SUV? Half ton pickup? Maybe you're in the market for a motorbike. This is the equivalent of asking what sort of functionality you'd like to see on your website. What do you want your website to "do"? How should it serve your visitors? What sort of information will it contain? How many pages will be on it? What sort of design were you thinking of?
The real question here is what your objectives are. Instead of thinking "Oh, I only need a Kia" or "Maybe a decent Nissan will work for now", think first what you hope your business will get out of its website. Only then will you be able to ask if you'll need a Kia or a Rolls Royce. Obviously, the Kia is cheaper, but it's not as fast, not as luxurious, doesn't look as flashy and doesn't carry with it nearly the same prestige (which can be very important to businesses - prestige, that is). The Rolls Royce will accomplish much more, but the cost is huge and it is much more expensive for upkeep and repair. And if you only need to transport groceries once a week, then a Rolls Royce would be a tremendous waste of resources.
But with today's freelance market you can get a rollz royce for around the price of 2 combo's from your favourite restaurant. you just have to know where to look. I hope the information and website provided were of use to all of you.
Kevin Disher.