Are you planning on making your first website?
Then please don't do it this way !
- Buy yourself a web editing tool like Dreamweaver, Frontpage -cost: $150
- Get a web hosting provider that supports 100G storage, SQL database, PHP, and anything else you can think of. cost: $100
- Find out that Dreamweaver isn't so easy after all so you buy a book. cost: $30
- Still can't get the hang of it so you go on a course cost: $300.
- Decide you need to learn HTML so you buy another book --cost: $10
- Now your really getting going and you start making the website.
- After a few weeks you have written a few pages but you're having a few doubts as it really isn't as easy as you though it would be at the start.
- You manage to get the pages on the web- You're really proud!
- You've submitted the site to the 2,500 search engines- it only cost $30 but the nice ad said that's all you need to do!
- A few weeks go past and no one visits you're site. You try to find yourself in the search engines but no luck. You're upset!
- You see an ad promising to get you on the top page in Google and Yahoo only $200. That's just what you need- You're happy again!
- The nice man at the SEO company starts talking to you about "keywords" and "optimization" and "SERPs" and you get a nice warm glow. But you're not really sure what it's all about and it's starting to give you a headache anyway. Not to worry - he knows what he's doing!
- He tells you it's no problem he'll get you on the first page in Google, Yahoo and MSN for the following searches.
"belly button jewellery", "Gold plated belly button jewellery" etc.
- But you want to be found for jewellery. Because that's what you sell.
- He says that's not possible and you become angry!
- You've had enough of this website nonsense- It doesn't work anyway!
- But then you get a nice email from someone- don't know him though- he can get you 1000s of visitors. Now you're in business! It's a bit expensive but not to worry you've come this far!
- Just as the ad said, the visitors start coming- This web stuff is easy! Now you're smiling.
- Oh! you think- no one is buying- Now you're upset again.
- But wait- You remember that other email that came the other day about emailing you're ad to millions of people.........................
About the Author
Stephen Cope is a freelance trainer and the Webmaster at -
making a website and The Niche Website Guide.