Perhaps the biggest mistake a webmaster can make is failing to perform a competitive analysis before building the website. I have encountered many creative entrepreneurs who have spent countless hours designing a beautiful web page that no one can find on the Internet. Many people who want to build a website for a new business expect to gain a certain degree of marketing or sales results from Search Engines. Search engines such as Google, Yahoo, MSN and Ask Jeeves are used daily by millions of people all over the world to find products and services. If you expect to gain a certain amount of your business through search engines, it is imperative that you examine the potential market for your goods or services and what the competition is surrounding search engine keywords related to your business FIRST!
So, before rushing off to the nearest software store to buy an expensive web authoring program to make your own web site, sit down with a pencil and piece of paper first. The initial step is to brainstorm search engine keywords related to your business.
To help illustrate this concept, allow me to introduce a fictitious company. Let's assume we have just opened a plastic surgery clinic in St Louis, Missouri called John Doe's Beauty Clinic.
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About the Author
The author has 10 years experience building and marketing simple websites for his own ecommerce ideas and many other clients. Operates a popular American Business Directory located at