How to Create an Enjoyable Web Page Design

How to Create an Enjoyable Web Page Design

 by: Lala C. Ballatan

Novice and professional designers alike – you may probably be skilled enough of any one or all of the techniques in creating a Web page and designing them. However, not all designs, even those made by authorities in the field, prove to be enjoyable and entertaining enough for the users. This is a fact that we hope does not irk some of our design enthusiasts and discourage them from honing their skills.

In terms of honing your skills in Web design, here are several pointers that will give you a chance to make enjoyable designs on a web site. These elements should be kept in mind to make it easier for your customers to interact with your web page, get satisfied with what they’re looking for and thoroughly have an enjoyable experience.

A logo is required – it’s high time for your business to acquire a logo. The logo is a means to define the look, feel and direction of your business. The concept of your logo will eventually transfer over to your web page design.

The purpose is required and you must understand it – you must identify the objective of creating a Web page. Various companies have various reasons for putting up a Web site, you should have a major purpose, too. And you must be consistent with it in your Web pages.

The goal should be identified – evaluate each page and align it with the goal you have for it. You might have an ultimate goal of having clients contact you and inquire about your services. If that is so, then you must create your Web page in a logical sequence wherein you will provide for instruction for your clients to contact you.

A navigation system that’s not confusing – your navigation system must be consistent throughout your site. It would not help you gain more visitors if your recent visitors get helplessly confused in the middle of your site and decide to close the window. The information may be good, but visitors don’t want to waste time thinking where to click next and how to make certain pop up windows appear.

Fast loading of your pages is a needed as much as possible - your corporate identity is reflected in the graphics and navigation inside your Web page. But they must be optimized for fast loading. Loading a page in 20 seconds or more is too long already for Web surfers.

Having readable pages are important – Avoid dark colored backgrounds and heavily patterned pages in your site. This tends to make your text confusing and hard to ready. Most visitors do not find it enjoyable to spend time in a Web site that they have difficulty deciphering. This also goes with small sized texts and very large texts where text that is too large can make it appear as if you are screaming at your viewers.

Technical jargons are a no-no – avoid the use of technical jargons that will just be ignored by readers. Make your users understand you and you will be able to connect with your target audience.

Create templates for consistency – all the elements in your site is guaranteed to be consistent if you provide a template. Having the navigation system and all common elements in the same place throughout your site is a great help. It makes it easier for your visitors to find information, and enjoy their experience. Having a template for you to work from makes creating new pages easier.

Use CSS style sheets – to have your users be instructed easily on how to get the contents of your page use the Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). There are several typographical information that you’ll found in CSS such as fonts, font size, colors, and spacing.

Frames are not advisable – in dividing the Web page into multiple windows, some designers use frames as a technique. The reasons for not using them tend to outweigh the reasons to use them since several browsers still do not support frame sites. Search engine optimization is affected then. It is best to create non-frames site first and then see if frames adds any functionality that your visitors would miss.

These elements are basic principles that any designer must live by. By remembering them, you will find even more reasons to enjoy brandishing your skills in Web design and make users enjoy your Web pages, too. -30-