How to Find Out What Your Web Surfer Prospects Want

Who wouldn't love to have a crystal ball to see
the future? Can you imagine an easier life as an
Internet Marketer if you knew before hand what
your prospects are looking for?

Instead of "pushing" pages,and see what "sticks",
you'd concentrate your efforts on developing
Web pages they WANT to READ! Web pages containing
information RELEVANT to what they're LOOKING for!

Wouldn't sales be easier this way?

You BET!

Here's a set of free tools that will help you do
just that.

Here's Your Own Internet "Intelli-Marketing" Tool Kit.

Just like the NSA (National Security Agency), I gather
"Intelligence" to help me give visitors to my Website
what they ARE LOOKING FOR! I use a set of FREE tools
I call My Internet "Intelli-Marketing" Kit.

I use it with great results; and so can you!

But first, lets suppose you ALREADY have a product
you want sell. How do you use these tools to help

Let me show you how easy it is!

One of the most popular search words is: FREE. Using
the "tools", you'll be able to find out all the search
term combinations that use the word FREE.


Free Help
Free Internet Access
Free Pictures
Free Information

Got the picture?

When you find a combination of search terms that could
apply to your particular product, create an Information
Web Page using these terms as a basis.

For example:

You want to sell a product that helps people stop smoking.

Instead of pushing the product (like the majority of
people would do) you can create a FREE Report(information)
Page that gives people VALUABLE FREE Information about
life threatening risks of smoking, and How To Stop.

Some additional Keywords you'd look for would be: cancer,
lungs, nicotine, addiction, health, and so forth.

This free information page would then help bring targeted
prospects to your product's sales page.

Here's an online example:

Now...Time to Build Your "Kit".


"Keyword Live" is a great, easy to use program that
opens up a whole new way of looking at online keyword

Since it is 'Live', you have an opportunity to look
at searches not in just the scope of what people do on
average over the last week, but what they do on Mondays,
or what they do during business hours, or what they do
at 7pm at night.

Keyword Live is available free at:

Via EMail:

You can subscribe to Free EMail Keyword Reports. They
furnish you with a report on the most used keywords
and search terms. Both are FREE.

WordsSpot 200


Weekly top 500 Wordtracker keyword report

Live Online Search Displays:

1. Metaspy.

Gives Filtered or Unfiltered

search queries. Refreshed every 15 seconds.

2. Weekly Search Engine Keyword Statistics

For Web and Internet Marketing.

3. Magellan Search Voyeur.

Displays a sample of recent searches.

Page automatically refreshes every 15 seconds.

4. Ask Jeeves Peek Through The Keyhole.

Shows 20 recent search requests, updated

every 30 seconds.

5. searchUK Spy.

Displays 10 recent, non-filtered, searches

from this UK search engine. The page is

automatically refreshed every 20 seconds.

6. Inventory Search

Click on the "Search Term Suggestion List".

Enter the term you want to search, and you'll get how

many searches were done using that term and other terms

that include it, in the past month.

Now that you have your "Kit"; let's:

Find Out What Your Competition's Up To.

To find out which questions show up for a particular term
or search phrase I use:


It shows the "plain english" questions people use to
make their searches, and the WEB PAGES relevant to
these questions. For you, this can be like "money in
the bank"!


Because what you do is design an Information Page that
ANSWERS those particular questions that relate to YOUR

Example of an Answer Page:(Use The Complete URL)

How do I know if this works?

Check out what comes up at
for these search terms:

1. internet marketing ebooks
2. internet marketing course
3. free internet marketing
4. make money online
5. how do i make money online
6. how do i learn internet marketing

(check who comes up when you click

on the FIRST "Learn Internet Marketing"link)

Once you get used to having the "Intelli-Marketing"
Kit working for you; you'll never want to be without
it again!

Don't waste your time SPAMMING the Search Engines
with garbage. Just Find Out What Your Web Surfer
Prospects Want and...Give it to them!

About the Author

Rafael Aguilo - Webmaster, A+ Certified PC Tech. invites you
to get ALL the FREEBIES mentioned in this article. They
are available at:
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