There are many ways to promote your site. One fantastic way is to use pay per click search engines that will give you money to test their services.
These pay per click search engines are new and very slow. The free offers will disappear once their traffic picks up. It may take a long time to use your free clicks. However, with a keyword or two, it takes a few minutes to set up.
The reason you want to add at least one keyword is to keep the pay per click from closing your account and you losing the free click money. Every month you should check the status of your account. Many of the pay per clicks will show how often keywords were researched the previous month. If you see the number of searches increasing significantly,add more keywords and check your account more often.
There are over 200 pay per click search engines and about 60 give you money to test their accounts. You can find a list of the pay per clicks that give you free clicks at:
Sign up for all the pay per click search engines that offer free clicks. Remember, while many of them will be slow, a few of them could provide decent traffic for you. Go ahead, spend a few minutes and sign up for the many pay per click search engines that offer free clicks.
About the Author
Jerry is the editor of the free bi weekly newsletters Elrob Search Engine Tips and Elrob Online Biz Tips. You can subscribe and see archived issues at: