How To Make a Web Page

 If you are able to create a document using a word processor like word then you are able to make a web page. Here we will look at how to make a web page using  the Trellian WebPage page editor.

Trellian Webpage is a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor which hides the technicalities of HTML.I have chosen to use this editor because it is a very simple and uncluttered  yet a powerful web page editor, and equally as important, there is a completely free version available for download on the Internet. If you don't currently have it then follow this link to download Trellian Webpage  for free.

In order to illustrate how to make a web page we are going to make a series of web pages to illustrate the various aspects of a web page like headings, tables, images etc. None of the examples will require a knowledge of HTML. However if you are interested in learning HTML then I have a series of articles showing how to make a web page using HTML

Making a Web page preparation

 We will not be concerned with web page layout and design as that will be covered in other articles. For these exercises contained in these illustrations create and save all files in a directory c:websBYO.

Making a Web page Exercises

1) Make a Web page Exercise 1 -Make a Web page with headers, bold text and paragraphs.

2) Make a Web page Exercise 2 Make a Web page including tables

3) Make a Web page Exercise 3 Make a Web page with bookmarks and links.

4) Exercise 4 Make a Web page with images- coming soon

If you don't want to use Trellian Webpage then you can there are many alternatives like FrontPage, Dreamweaver. You can even use Notepad for simple Pages.

The Make a Web page main page has links to other resources as well as the exercises.

About the Author

Stephen Cope is a freelance trainer and the Webmaster at -

making a website and IncrediMail and Outlook Express Updates.