How to optimize your site without breaking search engine guideline

Having a nice design and an interesting content are not enough to make sale. Who is going to visit your site? Are you willing to spend thousands of dollars every month just to advertise ?

More than 600 million queries made to major search engine like Google, Yahoo, Exactseek, Hotbot and Msn every month. Imagine if you can get only 1% from that amount, there will be millions of targeted visitors to your site. Having this amount of visitors every months, you will earn more than $3000 with an ads CTR of 1.1% and CPC of $0.05. The CTR is an estimated rate, it may vary from 0.1% to 3% depending on advertising placement, banner design and relevancy.

By optimizing your site, you will have a several advantages :

Lower cost in advertising - You don't need to spend substantial amount of money to find high PR site to advertise. Your good placement on search engine result page solely will drive more traffic than your advertising does.
Targeted visitor - Since search engine shows only relevant site to match user queries, your visitors that referred from is whom you looking for.

How can i get a good placement on search engine ?
Maybe this is what you are asking right now. Doing a seo job is never been easy. It needs practice and researching. But I will show you a few good steps in doing it without breaking search engine guidelines.

HTML coding - Make sure you make no mistake in HTML. And also your coding should be neat. Include a descriptive words for "ALT" tag.
Domain name - When choosing a domain name, try to find those name that include your keyword. This will help to rank better in search engine result page. [keyword1+keyword2] [key phrase]
Title - Make sure your page title is descriptive. Include your keywords as well. Use 1 or 2 "-" to separate keywords on your title.
Robots - Use robot text to allow and disallow search engine to crawl some private pages. Robot source
Keywords - Choose the right 2 - 3 keywords for your site. Always start with a low traffic and then add more if only you have success with the previous one. Use this resource to check your keywords: Overture keywords inventory
Keyword density - Keyword density is a measurement that indicates how many times your keyword shows up within that page. It should range from 5% to 20%, more than that will be regarded as spam.
Anchor text - When you buy a text ads, make sure your title contain your main targeted keywords that you choose. For example; If you are running a gaming site, you would certainly have to give anchor text like "Car racing gaming site" or "Online gaming", but you shouldn't give something like "Click here". When the search engine crawl the anchor text > "click here", they treat the content of that site contain in the anchor text is about "click here" instead of gaming site.

"Don't participate in link schemes designed to increase your site's ranking or Page Rank. In particular, avoid links to web spammers or "bad neighborhoods" on the web as your own ranking may be affected adversely by those links." Source by Google guidelines.

We don't recommend you searching for link exchange to increase your positioning in search engine just like what other people is doing. Wasting their time on link building and searching for new partner. Even if the could find 1000 reciprocal links, the won't rank well in search engine. You don't need to do this to get highly rated. Don't believe it ? Let's do some research:

Type in the word in Google:

1. Reference - Look at the top 10 ranking. Do they have a page where a lot of reciprocal link is placed ? Do they search for link exchange ?
2. Webmaster - Same thing, look at the top 10 placement. Do you see any link farm on their site ?

The answer is "no". They do not have any link farm. The simple reason why they rank well is:

1. Domain name - Most of the top 10 ranking in Google have their keyword included in their domain name.
2. HTML - They do well in HTML coding
3. Great content - By having a good content, plenty of webmasters link to them without asking reciprocal link. This will increase the number of inbound link to their site.

Note: Yahoo and Google have different source and methods to rank web site. This research is done for Google.

Warning to all of you. Don't use an automated submission program to submit your URL. Be aware that your site might get banned. Just a simple submission to Google, Yahoo, MSN, DMOZ and Excatseek will be enough. Even if it may take months to get indexed, but it is more secure to do it that way. Just be patient !

About the Author

David Ausman is the owner of
who has the vision to help new web designer understand how to create a good web site