Increase YOUR Sponsoring Ability

Are you good at getting people to look at your programs? When I first
started Internet Marketing, I couldn't sponsor ANYONE!!!
The harder I tried, the more I failed...Sound familiar?

Now, I've discovered the "secret" to success. It is not unusual for me to
have 20 or more referrals in ANY program that I promote...How did I do
it? Here are some facts...

Opt-in Groups DO Work If you Follow the rules.

Most importantly, remember that the other members of the
opt-in groups are real people...They do NOT want hype, they want facts,
just like you do. These are some basic rules to
follow to gain their respect...Remember, if you lose
their respect, you will never get them back.

1. KNOW your product

Don't promote anything unless you truly believe. Study the program,
know the details of it. Be ready to answer questions...If you don't have
the answer ready, someone else might, and you will lose the referral. If
you don't know the answer, be honest. Don't mislead people.

2. Do NOT Use Bounce Back Messages

I know that there are many places on the internet which advise you to do
so, but honestly...I will never read an autoresponder message, unless
it's one that I requested. Plus, if I recognize the name of a person who
uses one, I will not join their programs...There are many
people promoting, so we CAN pick and choose. Don't fall into what I
consider to be a form of spam.

3. Do NOT respond to an ad unless you truly have a question, or
comment which might be useful to the sender.

Receiving an opt-in ad does not give you the right to send that person
an ad in return. Again, I do not like this form of advertising, and most
other people don't either. BUT..if you TRULY have something to
say...a question or comment about their program, or another program
which goes hand in hand, introduce yourself, make a new contact, even
a friend.

4. Do not use phony headlines

It's okay to try different titles to your ads, but always make sure that
the content of the ad applies to the subject. There's nothing worse than
opening an ad on advertising and finding some hype on a new program.
Don't trick someone into opening your ad, they will never believe you

5. Always respond to those in need...

If you see an email titles "Help!" it and respond in any way you
can...We, as Internet Marketers, should be there for each other...
I have received help in this way. BUT...reserve it for true need situations
The same goes with "unsubscribe" subjects...Write to them
to let them know exactly how to unsubscribe from the list in
question...Don't let any person in need go unnoticed...One day, you
might be that person...

Build Lasting Contacts...

These rules are important to the "real people" out there...Once they learn
that you can be respected, they will look to see what you are involved in.
Build a Group of "Discussion Buddies". Contacts are the most
important part of your success...Without them, you are sure to fail,
because they help you in so many ways...discussing successes and
failures, encouraging you, pointing out new and different resources, and
in so many more ways...What started out for me as a support group
has built into a group of very good individual friendships I wouldn't trade
for the world.

1. How to build your support group.

Contact people who have similar interests...Remember, it is sometimes
acceptable to contact people through their ads. This is one way to get
started. If you see an ad for a program you belong to, write to that
person and share your experiences. Let them know that you are
interested in having someone to discuss different programs
with, and then see if they respond. If they don't, try with someone else.
Don't spam someone who is not interested...There are enough
people who are. When they write back, start a communication about
what you are trying to accomplish on the intenet, what your life is like,
whatever you feel comfortable with...Ask them what programs they are
involved with, or their website address, and REALLY check them
out...Don't just say you it. Then you can write and discuss
these things with them knowledgably, until you begin to build a trust, or

You can also write to people whose websites you admire....I don't know
anyone who would not like to hear comments about their sites...They
work very hard to bring them to you and like to know that work was
appreciated. It's a great way to build contacts.

2. Keep in touch with people you come in contact with...

If you get a message from an upline member on a new program, write
back! Let them know who you are, what you're like, and your
goals...They are real people too! I met some of my best internet buddies
through welcome letters, and that goes for your downline too...Always
contact people who sign up for your programs, to let them know your
door is always open, and that you LIKE the personal
contact...Encourage them to write you.

3. Do not "group" your contacts

Don't send "getting to know you" emails to more than one person at a
time...It's rude and will not help in building a lasting relationship.
Each of my discussion buddies is an individual, and I have different
relationships with them all. This is not to say that you can't send a new
opportunity to more than one of them at a time, as long as you have a
trusting relationship with each of them, and know that they won't spam
your other buddies.

Value the friendships that you build and don't abuse them...Make sure
you keep in touch with these people on a personal basis, more than a
"check this out" one...Once you build these relationships, you will have
them forever. It is a great gift that you don't want to lose.

In truth, those simple things listed above were the secret to my
success...just a little attitude adjustment on my part, to treat people
like "real people" and not just some anonymous robot on the other
end...Try it...It really works!!

I truly hope these simple rules will help you succeed...Feel free to
contact me at any time...I LOVE building personal
Please visit my website at for all the free
resources you need...

About the Author

Laurie Dyke