Internet Marketing Mistakes For Australian Business Owners part 2

If Internet Marketing is important to you, the second mistake in a 7 part series is a must for Australian Business Owners.

The second, and biggest mistake in Internet marketing, is made by getting advice from graphic designers, and not an Internet Marketing expert. Traditionally, business owners want a great looking site, and most graphic designers, do a great job in making them look great, but it is the words and relationships built through Internet Marketing that sell online.

In fact some of the “great” flash introductions are clicked off even before the site is viewed. Other graphics are cumbersome, and take along time to load. These flaws have nothing to do with Internet marketing, they actually can cause the browser to never visit the site again.

You would not build the best looking business, with rendered walls and marble floors in the middle of the desert would you? So why do many business owners ignore Internet marketing and go for a web site that generates little traffic and few sales?

At the cornerstone of a good Internet marketing website is, copywriting, a method and reason to capture emails, many methods of traffic generation and easy methods to make sales online.

If done right, and a mixture of Internet marketing in the graphics, they can be very effective. An example is at our website mentioned below. But instead of get a site made by a graphic designer, taking 12 months to realise that you have made little sales online, then go back to the graphic designer and get a “prettier” site to be made, you would be better to seek out an Internet Marketer who can generate traffic, convert leads to sales and communicate to your clients.

Next Mistake 3 Not following through with your clients.
Andrew Clacy
Internet marketing expert
Fr.e.e audio online for business owners:
The 7 Mistakes business Owners Make Online. offers: internet marketing coaching, business web development, internet marketing affiliate programs and products