this article I would like to share some thought provoking points that will
help you in the development of winning Internet Strategies for Success.
So with that let's jump right in:
1. How to make a your web site a two-way medium between the site's
organization and the visitor. Consider that the web site may be the first
contact between the parties and should be designed to accomplish specific
goals with the first time visitor. If an immediate effect is not created,
the browser will not stay, let alone return.
2. How will the site specifically address its main goals of generate leads
and sales. The specific ways will vary from site to site, organization to
organization, but knowledge and development of these goals are crucial.
How effective is your site at compelling the browser to act?...and how
do you enhance that effectiveness ?
3. A Web site must never be viewed as "completed." It must always remain
current and updated. This is an important method for demonstrating to the
browser that the site is a continuous resource for their needs. Ultimately,
this will drive more traffic to the site and retain browser usage. There
are many ways to do this, but few effective ones, which vary greatly
from site to site, based on targets, markets, and goals. How will you
create a high return rate on your site?
4. The site should communicate directly to the browser. Your site visitors
may search your entire site, or read two words and click away. Is every
single word on every page of your site designed to provoke interest,
allow interaction, and develop the relationship?
5. How does your web site demonstrate to a visitor that the company behind
the site has what they need regardless the mindset of the visitor before
entering the site. Each web site should be created to appeal to its most
targeted market segments and buyers of different interest levels, but at
the same time, it must communicate to every possible visitor directly.
Consider the following:
>Some browser may be ready to act/purchase immediately.
>Some browser may be convinced of the importance of the
product/service but not yet of the company behind it.
>Some browser may seek information on the offered
products/services but are not yet ready to act.
>Some may have been referred to the site but are not yet
convinced of the offering.
>Some browser may have been prompted to visit without fully
understanding the spectrum of services.
>Some browser may be just looking for answers to their
problems/questions without any interest in investment at all.
>Not to mention grabbing visitors who are at the wrong site entirely.
6. Does your web site need to be an interactive experience to maximize
effectiveness? Is your web site an online brochure when it should be much
7. The site should demonstrate how the company has solved problems similar
to those of the visitor's. Complete with testimonials and case examples, the
company can demonstrate that they:
>Understand the needs of the browser.
>Have solved problems similar to the browser's with great success.
>Provide the browser with real examples of success.
8. How does your site convince beyond any doubt that your company is
their absolute best choice?
WebTech Center provides competitive analysis of the Internet presence
and marketing techniques of your competitors, and from that, develops
the exact strategies you need to be using to place yourself ahead.
About the Author
Richard J. Niemeyer, PMC
Internet Management Consultant
IMCS-Niemeyer Consulting Services
Web Profit Creation & Design, Hosting & Promotion
Publisher of : "Internet Asset Management &
Niemeyer Technology Marketing Letter"
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