Is your domain costing you traffic

You visited a great website some time ago that had some fantastic
information on it. It is not easily found in search engines
results so you decide to type the domain name into your favorite
browser. The problem is that the url spells out something like

Does that sound ethical to you? It maybe helpful with those
search engine rankings but for many visitors that can be a pain
in you know what to type out.

For years I worked in an internet cafe and was surprised to know
that many persons can’t type in a hyphen. Instead of finding out
how to do it, they just move on to an alternate site hence a loss
of traffic.

The average computer user can be a lazy fellow indeed. That’s why
there are so many keyboard shortcuts. He needs to complete his
task as soon as possible.

Ever wonder why the Googles, Yahoos, Amazons and Ebays of the
online world are so successful? It’s because there domain name
play a significant role in there branding.

There are countless persons logging on for the first time each
day in search of information that can assist them in the iniation
process. It is imperative that your domain name play a major part
in creating a bond with your viewers.

For almost four years I marketed a free website that was hosted
on Geocities. My “domain” spelt out
which made marketing feel like running with an anchor tied to my
legs. I can’t even imagine the amount of traffic and credibility
that I lost due to that single factor.

Does it work? It can and sometimes it won’t. I believe that
having a domain with too many words in it can be a turnoff just
like having a Geocities site. It seems unprofessional for a
company to have a name that contrasts the credibility that they
are trying to create.

Some domain names are like a cargo train several comportments
long. Why? Since some search engines do not give any significance
to the meta keyword tag, some webmasters fill their domain with
their keywords.

A good domain does not guarantee success as I found out. But a
memorable and easy to spell name can be beneficial to both you
and your visitors. You can have an easier time reaching them and
they will have an easier time finding you with a quick type in of
your domain.

I think it is best to put your keywords for each page in your
file name. That way you, the search engines and your viewers all

Copyright © Nicholas Dixon

About the Author

Nicholas Dixon is the creator of Jamaica’s first article
directory. Free content and information about a cool island town.
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