Is Your Site A Post-It Note Or Super Glue

Traffic, traffic, traffic, that's all we hear. You'd think
we were all craving two hours commutes on the Los Angeles
freeway. The question is, if you've got traffic, what are
they doing? In other words, what's your stick-ability?
When people come to your site are they met with a roadside
sign announcing your business and not much else or do they
have a reason to stick around? If they aren't sticking,
you aren't succeeding. And you've missed the major rule
of online engagement. That is simply, “Information rules
on the Internet.” If you ain't got it, they ain't staying.

So let's say you've currently got yourself Post-It note
traffic. The kind that arrive but leave just as quickly.

Boy, the logs look great, but where are the sales? Time
for some Super Glue folks. The kind you can't get from website
bells and whistles. This only comes from content, the kind
you have to create. Consider these Super Glue techniques:

1. Free Advice:

Free advice can be formatted in several different ways.

Perhaps a list of articles that the visitors can't pass
up. Not the same old, same old we see everywhere. But fresh,
new, material that adds to the education of your visitor.

This can't be beat for making them stick. Make sure one
article leads to another valuable place on your site until
finally it leads to the sale. Free advice builds confidence
in your target audience. After all, how do they know if
you've got the right stuff if you don't tell them a little
to prove it?

2. Community Chat:

People like people. And we love to get together and talk
about our favorite subject. Many online gurus making millions
online by first offering a free one-hour chat a week. Meet
the maker of the site and you've built trust in your audience.

Invite them to participate and your no longer the only one
making the moves at your site. Let the people get to know
you and sales will soar.

3. BillBoards :

Let them have their say. Billboards provide a safe way
for the shy ones to have their say too. It's an inter-exchange
of information, which often builds the content of your site.

It also enlists in stick-to-itivness as people who roam
the billboards are staying put. They are getting friendly
with your site.

4. Learning Tools:

Give your visitors other ways to learn. Books, e-books,
forums, shareware, etc. Change your content often and visitors
will want to return to see what you've added that will be
worthwhile to them.

5. The Newsletter

Yes, the newsletter. The number one tool for bringing your
visitors back to your site. If your aren't capturing them
the first time with a free opt-in newsletter, then you have
to keep going out and finding them. That's very expensive.

Your newsletter is a forever link to your clients and prospects.

5. A Treasure Hunt

Yep, I'm talking a contest in which you give away something
free. However, this contest works a little different. By
placing a small graphic in different parts of your site weekly,
ask the visitors to find it and then enter the contest by
telling you where the graphic is located. What does this
do? It persuades your visitor to play a game and in the
process takes them through your site. While they are looking,
they are learning about you.

See, it's not hard to add a little SuperGlue to your Post-It
Note and get those visitors to stick around long enough to
actually buy!

About the Author

Anne Marie Baugh
Publicity Promotion Promotional Writing E-Books Articles

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