1. Don't use "click here" for your links (the link
should be attached to where you want your visitors to go:
"Return to home page" rather than "Click here to
return to Home Page"). "Click here" is meaningless and the
visitor has to keep scanning the text to find the link's
contentvery time-wasting.

2. It's a good idea to put the URL of each page on the
bottom of the document. This makes it easier for people who
have downloaded your page to disk to revisit it. I often
find myself wishing more people would do this, especially
for the type of page that eventually becomes out-of-date.

3. Take time to proof-read your text before you upload
it to your server. Preferably get someone else to do it for
you. Authors become so familiar with what they have written
that they usually see what they expect to see, thus missing
many typographical errors.

4. Pretend you are a visitor to your site and click on
all your links to make sure they work properly. Or ask a
friend or family member to do it for you; problems will be
more obvious to them.

5. Finally, view your pages in your browser with
pictures turned off before you upload the files to your
server (that's usually whoever is providing your Internet
access). Are the pages still readable? Obviously they won't
look as good without your background texture and your
graphics and photographs, but are they still acceptable? If
you're not too confident of your own judgement, ask somebody

About the Author

Laraine Anne Barker writes fantasy for young people. Visit
her web site at for FREE stories
and novel excerpts. Sign up for the NOVELLA OF THE MONTH
CLUB, absolutely FREE!