Part 6: Feedback.
You DO want people to tell you they like something?
1. Make it easy for visitors to tell you how much they
enjoyed a particular item on your site by putting an email
link on every page. Not everyone wants to sign a guest book,
and if visitors have to go back to the home page to find
your email address they might forget what they wanted to say
by the time they've found it!
2. For the same reason, a link to your guest book (if
you have one) should appear on every page.
Part 7: META Tags, so people can find you on their favourite
search engine
This is a somewhat "hit and miss" area of writing web pages,
because search engines all seem to work differently. The
idea, basically, is to use the words in your tag as many
times on the page as possible. If your site is devoted to
your favourite photos, for instance, you could place the
word "photograph" in your META tag and use it, and
derivative words such as photo and photographic, as much as
possible in the page itself. If the page includes, say,
advice on choosing cameras and this word appears on your
page several times, placing "camera" in your META tag would
also be a good idea. Words placed in the META tags are
usually separated by a comma:
content"photo, photograph, camera">
About the Author
Laraine Anne Barker writes fantasy for young people. Visit
her web site at for FREE stories
and novel excerpts. Sign up for the NOVELLA OF THE MONTH
CLUB, absolutely FREE!