Making Your Internet Marketing Blog 'Visitor' Friendly

An internet marketing blog is created to make money blogging and monetization techniques will be crucial in order to make this happen. But regardless of whether you intend to earn an income or have other reasons for creating a blog your site needs to be shout welcome to every blog reader or they will not return. Business blogs are no different than any other blogging site insofar as they rely upon returning traffic to thrive and grow.

Here are 5 tips you must NOT overlook when creating a blog to insure visitors feel welcomed and therefore inclined to return.

Make Commenting Easy

The single biggest attraction of blogging is the ability to interact with any blog reader. Make it as easy as possible for visitors both new and old to leave comments at your site. This will only help build a greater sense of 'community' which will then attract more visitors. You do want more visitors' right?

Respond to Comments

Responding to comments when appropriate is essential and most especially if you are blogging to make money. Your failure to acknowledge questions or comments could translate into losing readers and income as well. Never overlook the value comments may hold since they contain feedback/input from your readers/customers.

Locate RSS Button above the Fold

Hopefully visitors will find your site interesting enough to bookmark or subscribe to via an RSS feed. Don not make them have to search your blog to find the subscribe button! Locate your subscribe button as prominently as possible and keep it above the fold of your page so scrolling down the page will not be necessary.

Create a Bio

If you expect people to gain an interest in your site you will need to supply them with a little information about yourself or your business. Most business blogs do well by supplying visitors with a little insight into their professional intentions along with a statement of their business mission as well.

On a personal bio a little information about yourself as it relates to the theme of the site and as to why you are blogging is sufficient.

Date and Credit Each Post

Extend to your readers the courtesy of letting them know who the author is of what post as well as to when the post was actually published. This gives people the opportunity follow a particular author and lets them know how old some information may be that they have viewed.

Even though an internet marketing blog is designed to make money blogging it still needs to present a warm and welcoming layout. Business blogs and personal blogging sites both rely upon returning traffic to survive. It is therefore critical that the site layout is inviting and easy to use. The 5 tips we reviewed above help create a positive experience for any blog reader either new or retuning to the site. Not hiding commonly sought after information and openly allowing new visitor participation in any discussions only encourages them to return. With their return and growing loyalty your ability to make money blogging strengthens and grows.