MSN Beta Search Phenomenon

I don't fully understand the algorithm's involved with the new

Beta search from MSN but I have to say as a site owner I love it.

After releasing my new site to the World Wide Web I am already

Really impressed with the speed that I got indexed and even more

Impressed with the ranking I have been given.

I let my newest site (

) out of its box

Less than 2 weeks ago and I have already attained a position of

3 out of 1,589,310 for the keyword search "buy dvd's online".

How is this happening?

Well I have looked at all sorts of forums relating to MSN Beta

and it seems that it genuinely searches for the most keyword

relevant site it can find.

The name of the site in relation to the keyword or words searched

for has proved as important as ever, when I searched for the

keywords "free traffic tips" on msn I got


number 1 result.

When I searched for the same keywords on google the same

site came in at number 41.

Further searching for some more obscure phrases seem to show that

MSN beta places a high priority on the keyword density, this will

reward all of us who have keywords relevant to our sites and do

not rely on heavy backlinks (although I believe this is vital to

get a decent rank with other engines).

The fact that I am ranked at all means that I have escaped the

Google "sandbox", I don't expect to receive a PR for at least 2

months and a decent listing for the same period from google.

Lets hope that MSN Beta search is used quickly as a replacement

for MSN search, My opinion is that we should all be allowed to

get a placement we deserve rather than one we have effectively

bought or traded, it kind of gives us little guys a chance.

I still love google, it provides us with a challenge and is still

the number one search engine but I still want the traffic I get from

The smaller engines.

About the Author

Mark white has built and run 3 sites for the last 4 years, has worked in I.T. for 15 years and is
actively involved in traffic/search engine related sites.
His sites are
$10 dollar and