Nine Indisputable Rules for Creating A Killer Website

Nine Indisputable Rules for Creating A Killer Website
by Caterina Christakos

1) Keep it simple.

Movies, audio and animation may be cool but if it takes your user
more than 10 seconds to download they are gone.

2) Make it easy to navigate.

If they can't find their way around your website they will leave.
Keep the links visible and each page compact. They do not want to
have to look for your links.

3) Keep banners to a minimum.

Don't bog your site down with banner ads. One or two are fine but
that is it.

4) Pop Ups - DON"T DO IT!

Most web surfers and potential clients will avoid sites with pop
ups like the plague. There is software out there now called Pop
Up Killer specifically to knock these out.

5)Put contact information on each page.

People want to know there is a real person running your site if
they have a problem. It inspires trust that you will not take
their money and run.

6) If you are running a business through your web site, you must
accept credit cards.

7) Metatags and Keywords: Make sure your site has them built it.
If you haven't programmed them in, the search engines will not be
able to find you.

There are plenty of programs that will rank your keywords and see
how popular they are in the search engines, as well as market
your site for you.
Click here to automate your site submission and find out how to
promote your e business

8) Find a niche market. Specialize in other words. Make people
have to go to your site for the specific information or service
that you provide.

9) Research your chosen field and find out what product or
service would be in demand but that isn't heavily marketed
online. For an example of this go to internet guru, Corey Rudl's
Site. He turned his ebook Car Secrets into a million dollar money
maker by focusing on a niche market.

Follow these rules and you should have no problem designing a
site that is both eye catching, informative and addictive.

Caterina Christakos
For more free marketing tips

About the Author

Caterina Christakos is a published author, web designer and internet consultant. To find more web design tips go to: