No Giant Pop-Ups, Please!

Everyone loves little pop-ups. They are handy and helpful.
You can sign up for a newsletter, download a free e-book,
sign up for a mini email course, do a little quiz, enter a
contest... and so on. These wizard promoters usually
pop up in the corner of a webpage and are not much
bigger than a notepad.

Giant pop-ups are another matter altogether.

These pop-ups practically fill the whole screen when they
load up and completely obstruct the view of the webpage.
They are often filled with graphics and text and links and
you name it.

Giant pop-ups come through like a power surge. They
shock you for a second. After they load up, sometimes
your web-browser stops functioning. For example, a
giant pop-up can inhibit the "Favorites" button. Until you
remove the pop-up, this function remains frozen.

Giant pop-ups are not a "user-friendly" form of online
marketing. Annoying a person to this degree can cause
a "failed sale". This is the very worst thing that can happen
when you are trying to do business.

So why are giant pop-ups being used if they make a site
LOSE their valuable online business?

I guess it is one of the mysteries of Internet Marketing that
needs to be quickly solved.

Many fine web hosts are losing their respect daily, due to
giant pop-ups. They are probably losing valuable clients
as well. No amount of commission that is received from
the sponsors of giant pop-ups can possibly compensate
for this irreparable loss.

What is the solution to this problem?

Place conditions on the use of pop-ups.

pop-ups must only be a maximum of 5" X 5" in size

pop-ups must offer an immediate promotion

pop-ups must NOT contain a link to another site

pop-ups must load in a corner of a webpage

It is important to immediately deal with this issue, because
many websites might be losing a considerable portion of
their "respectable" clientele.

Also, little pop-ups might end of getting thrown out one day
due to a possible overall ban on ALL pop-ups. This would
not be a good thing, since little pop-ups are super promoters.

When it comes to pop-ups, say "Yes" to the little ones,
but "No" to the giant ones.

About the Author

Polly Hummingbird hosts an Internet course on how to "Write
An Amazing Bestseller".