No Website Sales Maybe Your Site is Missing the Mark!

If you've moved your brick and mortar store online or recently
started an Internet business and the sales just aren't coming
in, the culprit may be your website.

Many people call me and say "My site's not generating sales;
what can I do to get more traffic?" Before you can begin
promoting, you need to take a long hard look
at your website from your customers' perspective.

Customers always ask themselves the same thing:
"What's in it for me?" Your site must answer
that question, and answer it fast before they
click away in discouragement.

Your first step is to go to your home page and view it as
a stranger who doesn't know you or your product and
services. Does the first paragraph state clearly what is
being offered and the benefits you provide? It needs
to. I can't tell you how many sites I've visited only to
leave wondering what the hell they
do. Your home page should also use powerful "selling
words" that excite people and makes them want to learn
more. It should have plenty of white space and be kept
free from clutter and distractions.

A lot of Web designers will try to tell you to use plenty
of Flash and other bandwidth thieves. Don't...
The Web is still about information and you need to deliver
it without crashing your visitors' browsers or making them
wait five minutes to get through a Flash intropage.

Remember this rule: "Content is king." If your site is
packed with good information, you don't need fancy bells and
whistles. People will like it just fine because it
tells them what they want to know and more.

Keep your target market in mind. If you sell salt
water fish and equipment, then your site should include
tips and tricks on taking care of livestock, setting
up a system, or maybe even a helpful message board
where visitors can help each other out by sharing
information. You want to enlighten your guests with
helpful information, not just "shove" what you do
down their throats. The fact is they don't care about
you or what you do. Show them what's in it for
them and they'll be back often, turning into lifelong

Make sure your web pages include plenty of calls to
action. You need to tell them what it is you want
them to do for example:

call now
click here to order
subscribe to our ezine

Your website pages all should work together under
the same theme. The look and navigation must be
consistent throughout the site and should reinforce
your offline brand identity. When building your site,
use your brochures, business cards, and sales literature
to incorporate your company image throughout.

For example, if you've been in business for 20 years
and your company colors are gray and maroon, then your
website shouldn't be pink and purple...follow me here?
Keep your identity consistent online and off it will
help with your company branding.

Another common error online marketers make is neglecting
to update their websites, or keeping the same look for over
a year. A website is not static, like a brochure. Its strength
as a marketing tool is its capability to evolve
as time goes on, and you should add to it regularly.
Experts say you should totally re-design
every year to keep visitors from getting bored. An easy
way to add fresh content is to add a news feed on whatever
subject matter matches your site. The best service I have
found that won't cost you a dime is
It's easy to set up, just cut and paste the code they give

There are plenty of services online that will give you
a single piece of JavaScript to paste into your pages
giving you the capabilities of showing new articles written
by online experts on a weekly basis. Shelley Lowery of
Web-Source has just started a new syndication service
find it at
If you're interested in having your content appear on
other people's sites take a look at "Master Syndicator"
software at

The promotion process should not begin until your website
works as an effective sales tool for your business. If your site is
poorly designed and lacks content you'll just be wasting
advertising dollars if you try to market it.

So next time your site sales are in a slump, take a look
in your own backyard. You may be surprised at what you

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