Optimizing Blog Entries for Search Engine Traffic

Search engine traffic is important for anybody doing business online. This type of traffic is not only free but is also very highly targeted. One of the easiest ways to optimize your site for traffic from search engines is properly placing keywords within the content.

An internet marketing blog in particular is in a great position to take advantage this optimization method. The reason for this is most blogs update their content frequently therefore they have numerous chances to properly optimize different entries. Every time a new post is published the site is inspected or 'crawled' by search engine spiders. If the blog entries are relevant and use keywords properly the site is awarded with a high ranking which means more traffic.

Here are 3 search engine optimization tips that all blogging sites need to be aware of that utilizes the proper place of keywords in each entry.

Use Primary Keyword Title

For very entry you post to your site you want to select a primary keyword, one that is the most descriptive as to what the post is about. When you place a title on your post be sure to include the primary keyword within the title itself. In doing this you are letting the search engines know right away when they scan your post what it is all about. The more relevant the keywords are to the blog entries in the titles the higher the regard search engines will place on the post.

Use Keywords in 1st Paragraph

Within the first paragraph of any post it is recommended to place both your secondary and primary keywords. Try to use the primary keyword within the first sentence since once again you are letting search engines know immediately what the post is all about. Secondary keywords should be 'sprinkled about where they fit in the most appropriately because you do want your content to sound correct for your readers.

Use Keywords in Last Paragraph

The 'format' for using keywords in your last paragraph is much the same as for your first paragraph. The key to placing these words is to be sure they 'sound right' when you proof read your post. First and foremost you are writing for the visitors to your site and remember they are human (for the most part anyway) so make that your primary concern.

Search engine traffic is targeted and free therefore it is something every online business should make an effort to generate. The easiest way to optimize any site for this type traffic is through the proper use of keyword within the content. A distinct advantage is held by an internet marketing blog for this type traffic by virtue of the fact that blogs are commonly updated frequently. Every time new blog entries are posted the site stands to gain an increase in its search engine ranking provided the entry is relevant and uses keywords correctly. The 3 search engine optimization tips discussed here should be practiced at all times by blogging sites since failure to do so results in the needless loss of a lot of free traffic. With all the work and dedication that goes into maintaining a blog it would be a shame to lose out on the opportunity to get free traffic like this!