Other Styling Languages In The Market, Available Or Not

CSS or Cascading Style Sheets is one of the most popular style sheet languages used in the market today. Part of the reason why is because of its simplicity, allowing web designers to focus more on designing their website rather than spend more time in learning about the codes.

However, other than CSS, there are also a number of other styling languages used across the world. Though some of it have been standardized and are widely used in the market today, although not as popular compared to CSS, others have not yet been standardized by the W3C.

Here are those Other Style Sheet Languages:

XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language)

The XSL or Extensible Stylesheet Language is one of the three standardized styling languages widely used across the world. Though not as popular as CSS, many experts have said that XSL is much more powerful compared to the use of CSS.

According to web design Philippines experts, the combination of XSLT (XSL Transformation) and XSL-FO (XSL Formatting Objects) make up a very powerful styling language compared to CSS. Part of the reasons why is because XSLT is a Turing Complete Language, while CSS is not, and XSL-FO documents stands alone.

However, the reason why CSS still remains as the most popular and widely used styling language is because the combination of XSLT and XSL-FO is too much complex compared t CSS. According to web design Philippines experts, the complexity of XSL-FO is a problem, largely because implementing an FO processor is very difficult.

DSSSL (Document Style Semantics and Specification Language)

DSSS, along with FOSI (Formatted Output Specification Instance), was one of the first popular styling languages used in the past which is based on a subset of the Scheme programming language. Like CSS and XSL, DSSSL is currently one of the few standardized styling languages used in the market, although not as widely used today compared to CSS and XSL.

Non-Standardized Styling Languages

JSSS (JavaScript Style Sheets)

JSSS is a proposed style sheet language by Netscape in 1996. According to web design Philippines experts, this was built to compete with CSS, though the technology was never accepted as a formal standard and it never gained much acceptance in the market. Today, JSSS had been dropped by Netscape.

FOSI (Formatted Output Specification Instance)

FOSI is much similar to DSSSL, though was not standardized compared to the latter. FOSI stylesheets are themselves written in SGML, an approach that would later be adopted by XSL. FOSI was implemented by, among others, Datalogics, Arbortext and X.Systems.

Sass (Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets)

It is a stylesheet language initially designed by Hampton Catlin and developed by Nathan Weizenbaum. It is best described as a meta-language on top of CSS, and is meant to abstract CSS code and create simpler stylesheet files. For more information visit to our site at http://www.myoptimind.com