Its amazing how often I hear prospects and even clients complain about ineffective websites done by other webmasters. In very few of these cases is it the webmasters fault...most of the time the client didn't have a web strategy in place so that they could guarantee their success with the right tools. Usually when they get to us, they've already invested thousands of dollars on a website that doesn't DO anything for them, they're looking for a quick solution and little to no costs for the repairs. If they came to us BEFORE getting involved with their web designers they would save themselves a whole lot of grief and a lot of money.

So, I'm going to help set the record straight for business owners who need a website that gets results...

Set Objectives: Know what you expect your site to do for you in as much detail as possible. (How many "unique visitors" do you want each month? How many return visitors do you want each month? What kind of action do you want them to take? Do you want them to join your blog? Do you want them to register for your newsletter? Do you want them to join your affiliate program? Or do you want them to make a minimum purchase? Or contribute to an overall revenue amount of $XXXXX.00/month?)

Know who your targeting: Be very specific. Are they geographically confined? Are they computer savvy? Will they require a site with minimal bells and whistles? Do they surf the web frequently? Or are they more of the on-the-go types? Where are they most concentrated (what's the easiest way to get to them)? What are their primary needs?

Know the competition: Who else is offering what you do? Of them, who is targeting the same market in the same geographical area? How are they doing it? Is it working? (Ask the market if you don't know)

Know your competitive advantage: Figure our your Features, Advantages and Benefits - then define your UNIQUE SELLING PROPOSITION. This USP is what differs you from the competition and makes you more attractive to your target market.

Research web strategies that can help you meet your objectives: has 4 years of archived newsletters and should too. Through these newsletters or a web strategist you should be able to determine what strategies are available to you that would work best towards meeting your goals.

Compare your strategies with your budget: Just because you need it, doesn't always mean you have to pay top dollar for it (although some bottom dollar options can come with great stress). Just make sure you know your alternatives. Be forewarned that prices in web tools (including domains, hosting, auto responders and shopping carts) range all across the board. Some things are worth paying for and some things are not. Make a list of 5 options (including FAB's and pricing) for each strategy you need to implement.

Bring this plan to your web designer and ask them if they are qualified to meet your needs: (Make sure you have your list of options (and prices) handy so that you can verify their level of knowledge in the areas you need most). Research other designers at the same time. Get at least three quotes and take them to someone who knows what they are doing - even if you have to spend money on their feedback - it might be a gigantic favor to you in the end.

Now that you are armed with a great plan - your web designer can make room for future strategies that you INTEND to implement and your web marketer (sometimes the same person) can ensure that you are optimized to the max (regularly) for the influx of traffic you need to make the site WORK for YOU (not the reverse)!

Remember, there is NO reason your website shouldn't make you money!

About the Author

Cijaye DePradine is the principal Strategic Consultant and Publicist with Cijaye Creative, Vancouver, B.C. ( Cijaye is also the author of PROJECT jumpSTART - A planning template for YOUR Marketing success ( Sign up for more great articles just like this one at: