Rule of Web Designing - Simplicity

Web professionals such as designers and developers follow a strict rule in web designing. Although web designs are considered as an art by many professionals, particularly among graphic artists, web designs should always maintain its main goal, which is to make it simpler for visitors to navigate through their website.

Rule of Web Designing: Make it Simple!

Although the main goal of web designers is to design a unique website which would attract visitors, they also aim to make their website as simple as possible for users. Although web designs allows a website to increase its integrity in the services or products they serve, users would usually only take seconds to look at the design of a website, then shift their attention to looking for the information they came for. This is the reason for its simplicity.

Make your navigation as simple as possible

The navigation bar is the most important element in any website. This is because it allows its visitors to navigate through the website with relative ease.

According to many web design Philippines experts, many websites today have come and designed their navigation bars so radical that visitors have had difficulties in using it, particularly among full Flash website. Because of this, visitors would tend to leave the website and look for other websites which can make it easier for them to find their information.

Use of fewer images

An image tells a lot of things about a website. It helps visitors better understand a website without them having to read any headlines. However, according to many web design Philippines experts, a few images is enough for this purpose.

Overkilling a webpage with images may not only make it harder for visitors to distinguish what this particular website is, but it also causes a website to load much slower compared to using one or two images per page.

Minimize the use of Flash

Flash makes a website more interesting, particularly with all the Flash movies found within a page. However, though Flash makes it more successful to attract visitors, it does jeopardize the speed of which a website loads.

This is one factor in which many professionals found which causes visitors to leave a website. If it is necessary for a website to have a Flash content, such as a Flash banner, then it