Search Engine Friendly Free Content

As you add content to your site wouldn’t it be nice if it:

Was highly relevant to your content?

Was written for you so you could be doing other things?

The type content that the Search Engines would rank high?

Content that was constantly fresh and relevant for your visitors?

The type content that makes visitors want to come back everyday to read?

If you can answer yes to just some of the above questions then you need to read on. This is a little trick I learned that only took me about five minutes to implement. With the reverse linking method I used and with this method I was able to get my page rank, with Google, from zero to 2/10 within one week of re-submitting my home page to Google.

Everywhere you turn people are talking about “RSS” feeds and “Blogs”. What if I could show you how to add an RSS feed to your site - with just a few lines of code and couple clicks of teh mouse? And what if this news feed constantly updated itself and was written just for your site? Interested?

Here’s how you can do it.

Go to the site and follow the simple directions. The

“AnyRSS” is a simple but very powerful tool allowing you to generate custom RSS news feeds for any Niche subject and posting them on your site. To use the tool enter one to three, of your selected keywords, in the search box and click on the button “Generate Feed Url”.

In the first box is an url and in the 2nd box is a snippet of “JavaScript” code. Click the “Test It” button and look at the results it produces. If this is satisfactory then go back and copy the “url” and the JavaScript code to a blank text editor like notepad. Save this information – and
remember what directory you saved it in.

Go to your site and decide on what page and where on that page you want the feed to be placed. If you are using just the link then write the “url” link information. Cut and paste, or upload, the link to your site. Remember with this option your visitors will have to “click” on the link to see the information and it will be in a new window AND they have left your site temporarily.

I recommend the JavaScript code as it is more dynamic and the visitor can “read” the news on your page without “clicking” anything OR leaving your site! If you want to use the JavaScript simply cut and paste the code to the area on your page where you want it to appear and save it. If you are using Front Page, or DreamWeaver, to write your own pages, then you should already know how to insert new code into your pages.

This feed is changed every 12 hours, sometimes more often. The great part is your visitors do not need any
special “readers”, etc. to read this information. And, like I said it, is extremely relevant, and free content, for your site. The best of BOTH worlds!

You Deserve Success,

Michael Domeck

About the Author

As a comunications and data consultant Mr. Domeck has helped many clients over the past 10 years build websites. Getting good Search Engine rankings has been his specialty. By testing, literally hundreds of methods, he has developed several methods that even newbies can use to get good rankings for their websites.