Search Engine Positioning Secrets

High search engine positioning brings traffic. That's good
web site promotion! But high positioning needs careful
planning prior to submission of a website to an engine.
Read this before making a registration to any engine. Do
website submission afterwards.

Define a niche first
Ask yourself: who are my visitors, what do they read, where
are they, what do they do? Try to understand your typical
Specify your niche as much as possible. Place yourself in
a visitor's position. Find out what they are looking for.

Make a Keyword List
When you're done, find words or phrases that they will
probably use to find what they want. These are keywords.

Try to find phrases rather than single words. "Beginners
Web Design" is more specific than "Design". When we refer to
keywords, we (also) mean phrases.
Make a list of them. Come up with at least 10 or 20.

Type the keywords in the searchbox of your favorite engine
and enter. View every source code of top sites you find.
Add keywords that aren't on your list. Come up with some

Expand Keyword List
Go to
Download WordWeb, a little Thesaurus/Dictionary. Type the
keywords and add synonyms.

Enter keywords to generate others.
Other places to look for keywords:
OK, the list must contain over a hundred phrases by now.

Select Keywords
Now, go to
Type generic keywords (design instead of web design; design
will show all possible combinations).

That results in numbers followed by keywords (representing
the number of requests for that word in a month).
Save results in a spreadsheet and sort them. This way you
will build an important source of information you can use
when developing websites.
(I use Excel, but any spreadsheet will do. Make 2 columns,
1 for the generic keyword and 1 for results; sort them and
make subtotals per keyword so you can find them again at
sorted subtotal level.)
Now select keywords that have a count between 100 and 800.
(GoTo represents about 3% of all traffic, so you may expect
30 times that number for all engines.) Lower counts aren't
interesting, higher counts mean way too much competition.

Design a Page!
Make a template page. For an example visit emplate.html.
View the source, copy and paste it in an HTML-editor. Make
necessary changes.

Now take one (1) main keyword and write your text around it.
Mix another keyword into it. Keep the number of words
between 400 and 800. (Use Text Statistics in Tools Menu of
Note Tab Light, available at

Put your text in the template. Use the keyword as your
page name.

Now visit
For this particular subject visit Search Engine Ranking
Tools (but definitely read everything else on his
outstanding site).
Read all information carefully. Apply exactly as written
by Bruce Clay.

Finish it.
Now visit
Download Keyword Extractor.
Count the words in your page. Sort them by weight.
Keywords should rank high and must be present in title,
description, keywords, comment, alt's and links (main one
at the start and NOT next or close to eachother). Review
Bruce Clay information.
Keywords should also appear in body text. A thumb of rule:
if the body text contains 400 words, keywords should appear
twice, at 600 three times and at 800 four times in the body.
Rewrite if necessary and finish with 1 keyword occurrence
in the closing paragraph.

Submission Time!
Now your page has a fair chance of relative high ranking.
Review Bruce Clay. Follow his submission instructions.

Success to you.

About the Author

Case Stevens, moderator of
where Beginners make a Free Test Ride and
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