Set Your Website In Order

One thing that will kill the potential for a website is the
lack of order for the web pages - especially the homepage.

If you're going to design your own website, be sure that
you find a pattern that will be appealing to your visitors
and design your website to follow the pattern.

You'll be amazed at the difference between the success of
an organized website and a disorganized website.

Here's why:

The organized website clarifies purpose and grabs the
attention of the "target" visitor right from the start.
Organization allows your visitor to relax and settle in
to read the presentation, click on links, and simply
enjoy your website without worry.

The disorganized website confuses the visitor, brings
stress, and often times causes the visitor to click
out to go somewhere else quickly. Once a visitor
views your homepage, you've made your impression on
him/her - and it's an everlasting one. Remember,
you will not be able to stand over your visitors'
shoulders as they view your website and explain
what you meant to "say" or "do" on your site. The
site itself must explain, clarify, and lead your
visitor to the goal.

How to Set Your Website in Order:

Below are five simple pointers to help create an
organized website that your visitors will enjoy:

1. State the purpose of your website at the very
beginning of the homepage.

2. Give a description, welcome, or presentation
of your website on the homepage if possible.

3. If you have a banner on your web page, place
the banner/graphic at the very top of your page,
before "any" writing (including your headline),
or at the very bottom of your web page, after
your entire presentation.

4. Place your navigation links on the left or
right side of your web page. You may also place
links at the top and/or bottom of your page. But,
try to avoid placing navigation links or graphics
in the middle of your web page presentation. This
will distract the visitor from reading the important
information about your website.

5. Narrow your website to only a few products which
compliment one another. Concentrate on these at
first, and then expand to other "related" products
once you've built a solid visitor base.

The five above tips are given from experience. I've
had to learn these methods through trial and error,
but you can now learn from my experience and begin
your new website with organization and an appeal to
your visitors.

Use these tips to make a lasting impression on your
visitors, and increase your potential for website

About the Author

Article written by Candice Pardue, editor of
Web Design Weekly. Learn some unique table designs
using Netscape Composer in the Web Design Training
Course Part 2. Go here for details...