Should You Care About the Quality of Your Web Design?
There are a lot of online businesses out there that wonder why they are not making any money at all. They started out with a plan, a good product and a desire to succeed, but they miserably failed to convert visitors into customers. So, what might be the cause? Well, even though they had an excellent plan in terms of marketing and they also had an excellent product, but they failed to create an excellent website to win the trust of their market. Do you find yourself in somewhat the same situation? Did you also create your website haphazardly without paying much attention to professionalism? If yes, then you will also face or may already be facing somewhat the same situation.
Picture this scenario: You meet a guy who is wearing very dirty clothes and he stinks a bit too. However, he claims to be a very knowledgeable person. He claims to have a couple of PhDs. Now, will you trust him or will you say, Yeah Right! Well, the same thing happens when people visit your unprofessional website where you claim to provide high quality products and professional services. They will also look at your website and say the same thing, i.e., Yeah Right! So, it