Should You Translate Your Web Site to Another Language

In 2001, half the users of the Web do not speak English as a first language.
What's more, the number of non-English speaking newcomers is growing
at a much faster rate than the number of English speaking Internet newcomers.
However, 80% of the information on the web is in English.

Should you make your web site available in languages other than English?
If you are interested in reaching overseas markets and doing business with
persons from other cultures, it's almost a necessity. As one expert pointed
out, they call it the World Wide Web because it represents international

If you are considering translating your site (and you do know that translation

software is not a good choice, right?), consider the following:

If you have the language skills, you can translate the web site yourself.
The QWERTY keyboard works for every language in the world. However,
if you are planning to translate to characters other than those found in
the Western alphabet, you will need a phonetic map (a software application
that maps the keyboard input into characters). For example, if you wanted
to write "Tokyo" in Japanese, you would type in TOKYOO then hit the
space bar. The mapping software would show you the two most likely
characters. If they were not what you were looking for, you would hit the
space bar again and be shown all the options that are available to you.

You will need an international browser. Both Netscape and
Explorer are available in international versions.

Your operating system is an additional consideration. Windows 2000
is said to support all languages using a new standard called Unicode.
Apple offers language kits that can be installed in the MAC OS.
If your web site is to contain sophisticated programming, you will
also require international developmental tools (i.e. Japanese
DreamWeaver, etc.)

If you don't want to do your translation in-house, a localisation
company can provide your translation services. A good localisation

company will be using translators that not only speak the language
fluently, but also are familiar with the culture and customs of the target

market. In America, for example, you would not use the same marketing

message to reach a twenty year old as you would use to reach a baby
boomer. Nor would you use the same language to market to a stay-at-home

mom as you would use to reach a career woman. Similar differences
occur within other cultures, and your translator must be familiar with the

culture of your target market.

Localisation companies can also support your business services. It
is not enough to simply translate your web site. You must be able to
process the orders and service your customers in their language.

If your web site is going to be updated regularly, discuss a maintenance

package. Some companies will monitor your English web site for
changes, then make corresponding modifications to your international sites.

Your web server could require special enablements. Ask your web

administrator for input. Localisation companies also assist in this area.
When selecting a localisation company, look for one that asks a
lot of questions. They must thoroughly understand your business

needs before they can provide the type of service you need. A
multicultural development company can also offer suggestions

regarding the design of your site and how it will work in different
cultures. Your company might also be able to suggest ways of
modifying site architecture to save you money.

Ask your localisation company for a weekly report on the status
of your project.

Fees will vary. Do price comparisons, but remember that price should

not be the only consideration.

About the Author

June Campbell
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