Surfing For Credits.

Article By: Joseph Robert Neil James.

Surfing For Credits.

There are many Start page surf for credits programs but they all have a major weakness in common, which is,” low quality website views”. For the past two years I have joined at least six Start page surfing programs and during that time, surfed for 1,000s of credits, resulting in little or no success for the sale of my own websites products and services.

My research into Start page surf program has resulted in comparing website page views, with sending out emails. My research has indicated that emails attract a click thru percentage rate of up to 4% - this means for every 25 emails sent out you should achieve on average, one click thru. Therefore 1,000 emails sent out equals a click thru total of 40 – Emails can be purchased for $1 per 1,000, which is $00.001 each – 10,000 would cost you $10. This gives you an idea of comparison between sending out emails and surfing website for credit.

This comparison indicates that sending out 25 emails is equal to, one page view because a start page surfer views any particular website in the same way as he/she would if they opened and read an email. Comparison, between emails and start page website views, indicates that start page website views should be far superior and produce many more sales. However, they don’t produce any more sales and I can understand why.

It’s a know fact that, providing a person has received an email at least eight times, promoting the same product, he/she is less likely to respond to the product or service on offer. Comparing this with start page website views, a person that’s views a website eight time, he/she should create, far superior results.

The problem of cheaters is continuously being dealt with, but cheating cannot be eliminated completely. There are two groups of start page surfers – the first group are those that pay for other members to view their websites. The other group are those that view website, to earn credits, to have their own websites viewed.

The average honest surfer knows that there are problems with these start page surf programs or they wouldn’t jump from one start page program to another, they all have features that make it easy to surf.

I’m now going to list criteria to improve the value of Start page website views:

·Members should only be allowed to surf website categories, they have interest in.
·Members should only be allowed to view websites, eight times. Any further viewing should be websites they haven’t viewed before.
·Members should be paid in cash or website viewing credits i.e. 1,000 website credit could be paid the following way, 25% paid in cash and 75% paid in credits, with a minimum payment of $5 - payable via Paypal, when the surfer has achieved, 1,000 credits.

Several days ago, I joined a surf for credits program, which is in its infancy. When I joined and contacted the owner, he encouraged me to point out any feature I would like to see included. This new program is unique in it simplicity. The website URL is listed at the bottom of this article. Please feel free to contact me if you have any comments.

About the Author

Joseph Robert Neil James resides in Warwickshire, England and is an author, husband, father, grand-father, and Great-Grand-Father Having spent many years in the "Direct Mail Advertising" business, whilst living with his wife and four children in Australia - Joseph is now retired and enjoys working with his computer and researching with a Pendulum.

Surf for Credits Program: