Style sheet languages such as CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Langauges) are widely known for their use in website design, particularly in website layouts as well as effects. According to many experts in web usability, style sheet languages such as these made it easier for people to access Internet services, information, as well as entertainments.
However, in the past, the Internet weren't as popularity known for its use of style sheet languages. The use of these technology have only been recently introduced in 2001, when the need for a new web design technique was demanded by the market. This is because, in the past, the only technology used to design websites is with the use of the Table tag.
Tables in website designs
The Internet was first introduced as a means to quickly share scientific documents and research papers online, but because of its technology to introduce a wider scope of market, many business have come to use it to advertise and market their business in the Internet. According to many Web design Philippines experts, this triggered the expansion from the academic and research world into the mainstream in the mid-1990s, which also became more media-oriented.
Because of this, graphic artist sought ways to control and manipulate the elements found in their webpages. This first introduced the use of Tables, as well as spacers, to create and maintain page layout. However, according to many experts, such as those from Web design Philippines companies, heavy use of Tables have made some issues in a website's usability, in terms of accessibility.
Many Web pages have been designed with tables nested within tables, resulting in large HTML documents which use more bandwidth than documents with simpler formatting. Because of this, the demand for new techniques became dire as the Dotcom industry have continuously receded in 2001 which resulted in many web development company to shrink. This is where style sheet languages were introduced in the industry.
Style sheet languages for the Internet
The first style sheet languages were used as computer languages for specifying stylesheets for SGML documents. Such languages include DSSSL and FOSI. This was until new style sheet languages were introduced in the market that carried capabilities that made it easier for graphic designers to design a website. According to many experts, including the many Web design Philippines specialists, these style sheet languages include CSS and XSL.
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