The 3 most common complaints against web site hosts

The 3 most common complaints against web site hosts are pretty commonplace these days.

There has been a rapidly rising demand for web hosting services and many of the part-time basis-basement operations have found it virtually impossible to meet the new quality and service demands of web sites.
Many who had previously gotten away with shoddy services and a technical service department that was just an answering machine where all callers including clients with emergency situations left their messages.

You may be unfortunate enough to still be using a hosting service like this one. Our advice is that it is too costly in today’s net environment.

Here are the 3 most common complaints against hosts;

a)Poor Technical Support
This complaint is by far the one that is mostly heard. Many hosting companies outsource their technical support and the result is often total chaos. Clients get answering machines or voice mail systems when they call. Sometimes you can even get non-English speaking technicians.

Other times trouble tickets go unanswered for days without resolution.

Reliability is another major complaint with sites being down to many times or being too slow at certain times. All this impacts negatively on the performance and revenue potential of the site.

c)Delays after signing up
When people sign up for web sites, they are often anxious to go ahead as quickly as possible. Nobody wants delays. But with many web hosts, after signing up it takes days for the account to be ready.

These are all things to look out for when getting a web host.

About the Author

Luis Perez is the president and CEO for MDS-Host, a web hosting company. He can be reached at info at Send for your free report on the checklist you should use when selecting a hosting service.