The Failure of the SEO System.

The Failure of the SEO System.

I see people daily preaching about how web site owners need
to pay upwards of $7,500.00 or more for a marketing consultant
who also practices search engine optimization. The reason
given for this is that any SEO can get you top rankings, but
that will not help you sell your products. They preach that
searchers have no trust, they say that getting a #1 position
for your relevant keywords will only bring visitors, not sales.

To an extent this is true. But the fact is, this is said so
you will pay the fee they ask. They know their service, they
know their prospect's mindset, and they do a fine job of
turning you into a new customer.

You know your products or services better than they possibly
could. You know your customers better than they ever could.
This stands true of any industry or business model. Make that
work for you!

Instead of shelling out the dinero, why not sit down and lay
out the groundwork for a plan of action based on what you know
about your business and it's customers. What do they want to
see, how much detail do they want to see, and above all, what
does it take to close the sale.

Once you know all of this, the rest is merely laying it all
out on the web site according to your plan. It sounds easy, and
it really is not, it takes hard work on your part. But you are
not relying on someone who claims that they will research your
business and be expert enough in a matter of days to sell your
product line.

Do not fall for the hype.

Once you have a web site that you are confident will convert
searchers into sales, it is time to make sure you have
searchers finding your web site. These same marketing
consultants will tell you that you need them for this also.
They will tell you that you need to concentrate on the lesser
search terms that will bring in lesser amounts of traffic. They
will tell you that this method will bring you better quality
traffic because it targets the visitor better. Bull! The fact
is these marketers know that they do not have the ability or
the means to target the more competitive search terms and
keywords. They use this method so that they can show you good
results using the lesser keywords, to keep you ignorant and
happy in your newfound traffic. I say ignorant, because they
will not tell you that you could in fact have twice to three
times the targeted traffic if you used someone who was a true


There are different definitions of a marketing professional,
but for this purpose we are talking about search engine
optimization professionals. There are many who call themselves
professionals, but who will not go after the competitive
keywords and phrases. They are the ones who will tell you it is
better to be happy with less traffic, and thus, less sales.
They do not practice search engine optimization, because they
do not know how, or are not willing to do that much work. The
true SEO will make sure that you get the absolute most that you
possibly can for your money spent.

There are some well published so called professional SEO's
out there that are excellent at promoting themselves. They can
make you think their way is God's way with an almost religious
zeal and grand speeches about what is 'ethical'. One SEO in
particular has so riled people that there is even a web site
devoted to showing people that they are not what they purport
to be, using only facts from their own site and email, and an
open challenge to them to dispute anything said there. To date
that challenge has not been accepted according to the site and
it's also well published author. Is this who you want doing
your marketing?

In summary, watch out for self hype, do not think you have
to pay someone $7,500.00 or more to get less than the best
rankings, and do some research on the marketer you choose to
use. Google searches are often an excellent way of seeing the
real story behind marketers.

About the Author

William Cross has founded a number of internet marketing and
search engine related websites for professionals. One of the
forums he frequents is the #1 ranked for 'seo forum' on google.