Update Your Entire Website Instantly Using Server Side Includes

Imagine my plight... I have 100+ pages on my website and I
have to change my e-mail address and the copyright info on
all the pages. The reason...

My mail box is over-flown with junk mails.

My only option is to edit all my web pages offline and then
upload each one of them again, not to mention countless
errors I make in the process.

100+ pages is still a small website. Imagine what it will be
like if my website had 1000+ pages?

Sounds scary right?

If you would like to avoid the kind of mess I'm in right
now, you have one option. Start using "Server Side Includes

In technical jargon, Server Side Includes are directives
which you can place into your HTML documents to execute
other programs or output such data as environment variables
and file statistics.

If your only intention is to manage your website more
effectively and painlessly, it is more than enough if you
learn one "Directive" of SSI - the "Include" directive.

In simple terms, SSI Include is a line of code which you can
use in your HTML documents to include contents from other
documents. In other words, change just one file (the
Include file), and your ENTIRE SITE is instantly updated!

The basic syntax of an Include directive is:

Where PATHTO is the "VIRTUAL" path to include file on your

Here's how to include your copyright info and navigation
links using SSI Includes...

First, you need to check with your server administrator
whether your server supports SSI or not. Most servers
support them.

Second, you need to rename all your HTML files with

You can start with one file and if everything goes fine,
rename rest of the files.

To keep things organized, you can create a directory at the
root level called "includes" to house all of your included
files. Now create a HTML document with only your copyright
and navigation links. Copy everything that is between the
BODY tags of this document and paste it in a new file.

Save this file as nav.html or any name you like with
extension.htm or.html. You need not save this file with
.shtml extension. Now upload this file to your "include"
directory which you created for housing SSI Includes.

To include copyright info and navigation links in a HTML
document in your SITE ROOT, place the following code where
you want the copyright info to be seen:

Now if you want to include copyright info and navigation
links in a HTML document in a folder UNDER your site root,
the code will change to:

...and so on.

If you want to change or edit your copyright info or
navigation links, just edit and upload your nav.html file
and the change will be reflected in all the documents (using
the "Include code") instantly!

You can also create your website headers/footers using
SSI Includes.

There are host of other cool things you can do with SSI. For
more info on SSI, you can visit the following sites:

http://www.useforesite.com utssi.shtml

About the Author

Vishal Rao publishes an informative e-zine: iNet Profits.
Subscribe to his e-zine and get his free e-mail course:
"11 Killer Strategies To Explode Your Online Profits", by
sending a blank e-mail to > sub@inetprofits.par32.com