Using Award Sites to Increase Traffic

Do you want to know a little trick that some I know are using to attract thousands of visitors per year to their web sites?

And the best part is it will cost you NOTHING. How's that for a good deal.

Wouldn't it be great if you could get as many web sites as you want to gladly and permanently display a link to your site?

What is the one thing all people desire? Fame, Wealth? OK, maybe, How about recognition. Everyone likes to be recognized for doing something well.

Here's how you can do it. You simply offer a free web site award program. Look at it this way. If 100 other sites had your award on their pages and each one of those sites gets only 10,000 visitors per year, that's a potential of 1 million people that will potentially see your award, graphic and link.

Anyone can do this. There are no qualifications required at all.You don't have to be a professional web site designer, or an expert at anything really. You simply judge a site according to your own rules and criteria that you set forth in your award application form.

Here's what you need to do:

The first thing is to design your award graphic, one that is visually appealing and promotes your site or business. You want to try and keep the graphic to about 10KB and no larger than say, 200x150 pixels. make sure you save it as a.gif or.jpg.

No here's a trick that can really boost the response of your ward graphic. PUT YOUR PICTURE ON THE AWARD.

You're asking why no doubt. Here's why. Personalization. People respond better to to something that makes you seem 'human'. The web is so sterile that anything you can do to bring yourself to life will work in your favor, BIG TIME.

Now that you have created a killer award graphic, go to focus associates

This is the #1 site for listing sites that offer awards.

Anyone who is after an award visits this site. Simply submit your award graphic and your award criteria. In a short period of time Focus will visit your site's award application page and will give your award a rating. They will place a description of your award criteria and your rating on their site.

The nest thing you must do, is construct your award application page, where visitors can see exactly what your criteria is for receiving the award. Make sure you create a form so they can fill in all their details.

Before you know it, your mailbox will be filled with people wanting to win your award. I know people who receive about 10 or 15 applications per week. That's over 600 per year.

Make sure you visit each of their web sites and determine if it meets your criteria, if it does, email the web master telling him that he or she has won your award. DO NOT attach your award graphic to the email, make them come to your site to retrieve it.

The most important part of your award is to make certain the award is LINKED BACKED TO YOUR SITE. If you don't so this, everything else has been in vain. This is what brings you the traffic.

As simple as this sounds, it really does work. It's something anyone can do, it costs nothing more than a few hours of your time.

The key to making awards work for you is not from winning them, but from giving your own award to others.

Try it, you might be surprised at the results

About the Author

Bukit Sorrento

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