Weave Your Own Web

Weave Your Own Web

 by: A. Raymond Randall

Many elementary school children know the miracle of Charlotte's Web. Weaving the words "Some Pig" into the center of her web, Charlotte keeps Wilbur from the frying pan. E.B. White's story provides some fascinating guidelines for web spinning.

Charlotte's wisdom assures Wilbur about what matters. On the one hand, when Wilbur tries creating his own web, she instructs, "You can't spin a web...and I advise you to put the idea out of your mind." Wilbur lacks "spinnerets, and... know how". She also informs Wilbur, "...you don't need a web." However with some "know how", every webmaster may weave a "terrific" web. A spider called Charlotte offers wise suggestions.

Have a plan.

Wilbur had no plan to save himself from the butcher, and when first asked, Charlotte did not have much of a plan. She does suggest the importance of "working on it", and in her case, "hanging head down...that's when I do my thinking". Don't suggest you turn yourself upside down, but do suggest taking time to ponder YOUR plan. When Wilbur asks if he can help, she says, "I'll work on it alone". I am convinced that you must design your own plan when weaving your web. Stay away from templates and pre-made web site designs. Generations of web designers preceded Charlotte; she mimicked the structure, but not the content. Her choices evolved from her unique and distinctive plan.

Have a purpose.

Charlotte promises keep Wilbur from ending up as a holiday meal. She concentrates all her energy toward this one thing: saving Wilbur's life. Every web site has to have a clear cut purpose. Whether a site provides a specific message like "Terrific Pig" or a site's directory offers vast resources and information. Essentially you, the web master, must own the purpose with passionate determination. Spider webs provide entomological evidence that what you create lives from you and feeds you.

Have patience.

Wilbur worries (who can blame him). Web masters worry too. Charlotte gives Wilbur practical advice. "Get plenty of sleep, and stop worrying". Nothing wears down commitment more than worry. I've done it for months wondering if the efforts made will produce the results wanted. Daily checks of stats and Google Adsense & ClickBank revenue reviews wear you down if the rewards accrue slowly. Charlotte knows better, she could wait "hour by hour...deep in thought". Finally, an idea (or a fly) would show up.

Charlotte's lessons pass on to generations of web weavers. Each of them understands one essential and inalterable lesson, "...we are going out into the world to make webs for ourselves". I am not suggesting you reject or ignore skillful helpers; I am suggesting that the decision of what your web represents remains yours. Always weave your own web.