web page building for beginners 3

web page building for beginners 3

 by: Ted Dupuie

An inexperienced website builder must understand that free web hosting is a great way to get more than one site up and running quickly, and that www.articlecity.com is the fastest and easiest way to fill those sites with relevant material. For instance, my site at www.saquoyah.com has one hundred and sixty pages that were written by various authors and posted at ArticleCity by the writers. This arrangement fulfills five purposes to the satisfaction of everyone involved. First the writers of the articles get to help the readers and themselves by having links back to their websites. Second, ArticleCity gets many links to their index page and that in turn keeps their site in a top placement with search engines. Third, the little website owner saves an enormous amount of writing, yet gets his or her website full of pages that link back to their index page, so the search engines will place their site a little higher in placement. Fourth, the person doing a search gets to find a lot of points of view by various writers on the one subject they are poring over. Fifth, the search engines have more pages in their database for the searchers to look through.

While free web hosting has it’s shortcomings for a large corporation like General Motors, it is a Godsend to the little merchant or any webmaster that would like searchers to find their pages in a web search. The more sites a webmaster has to bring more links back to the initial or main site, the better. While most of the free sites may never get ranked with Google, the sites can still serve the purpose of adding back-links to a site and increasing the main site’s rank. And since the small merchant, especially one working at home, has a limited amount of capital to invest, the free sites can be used to their full potential.

Each site that is linked to the main site should have the same type of articles written on them, so that the relevancy sought by search engine robots can help to increase the ranking of the main site. If one site is about potato chips while another is an adult site while a third is written on auto racing, the linking will be of little value. Keep in mind also that some of those sites may be viewed by searchers from smaller engines or directories, and you may get potential customers through those links to your main site.

Keep all links in working order, so check your sites often enough to know when one of the host’s servers may go down and lose all your pages. This just happened to me, and even though I keep a copy of all my pages on my hard-drive, the server was down for many weeks while Googlebot and Slurp were checking my links every few days. As a small businessman, I cannot afford to upset the robots, so I do not link TO the free websites, but only FROM the free websites. In this way, the robots never get upset. All of the links lead to the index pages of sites I own as a safeguard from server and hosting problems.

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