Webjunxsion is Foraging It’s Way Through the Muddle

Webjunxsion has come a long way since September of 2003. There webpage was VERY unprofessional in the beginning as you can see at http://www.webjunxsion.com/home. Things seem to be changing for them though and there looks are improving somewhat as you can see here: http://www.webjunxsion.com/MDsp. However I think that they may be a little confused on there company logo. When you go to http://www.webjunxsion.com everything seems to be in a nice maroon color. Then when you visit there page at http://www.webjunxsion.com/MDsp there logo and color have changed to a baby blue. I understand that they are just beginning and starting out in this muddle of an internet business but they need to get there logo’s and colors straight. They need to adapt uniformity. Come on guys let’s get it together ok? When they accomplish this I believe that they will have leaped over a major hurdle.

Even though there web site design seems to be lacking, they are not lacking in the products that they offer. You can find very nice web design templates, chat software, and great business opportunities at there website. It seems as though they are foraging there way through the muddle of internet scams and have landed on some golden opportunities that they are sharing with the public. I look forward to watching them grow and develop there web resources for others in the months ahead.

About the Author

Barbara Pinyan publishes Webjunxsion Business Tips and Tricks, an informative newsletter dedicated to bringing you the latest in internet do’s and don’ts. If you’re looking for the best rated home business opportunities, time saving internet tools to help your business along and helpful support from an honest friend who’s been there come by and grab your F-R-E-E subscription now at: