What are algorithms

Rather than give you the literal definition of algorithms I will explain there definition in
relation to search engines.

Search engines tend to use software to review and include web sites. Why? Generally
because it would cost too much and take too long using humans to review sites.

Algorithms are basically the rules that have been programmed into their software to
review your web site. Each search engines has different algorithms which they change
on a regular basis. These algorithms are kept secret however it is possible to work out
some of the algorithms.

How do you work out the current algorithms?

You perform searches on the search engines looking at the key phrases you are
interested in. Visit some of the pages at the top of the results and look at the structure
of their pages. They have obviously passed the algorithm tests so you should be able to
work out some of the algorithms from the pages they have created.

What do you look out for?

If you use Internet Explorer to surf the internet, go to the VIEW menu and press
SOURCE. This will show the source code of the page including meta tags.

1.Firstly look at the meta keywords for that page. You should find the keyword you

typed into the search engine.

2.Then look at the title and description. Is that keyword mentioned in the title or


3.Then go back to your Internet Explorer browser and check in the body text for

that keyword. Pay particular attention to:

a) where the keywords are:

i) first few words

ii) beginning of document

iii) end of document or

iv) middle of document.

b) how many times the keyword appears on the page.

c) is the keyword part of the domain name for example my domain name is

www.bpwebmaster.com and one of my keywords is "webmaster". Now long

domain names are available you can even buy domain names with phrases in,

such as www.webmastermarketingconsultancy.com and have a phrase of

"webmaster marketing consultancy".

Other common algorithms

Do NOT use frames or flash on your home pages.

Do NOT use hundreds of keywords.

Use phrases rather than just single words because the majority of people type in

two words or more when conducting a search.

Make sure the keywords are relevant to that page.

Do NOT use the same keywords throughout the site.

Do NOT submit your web site more often than once per month.

Do NOT submit more than four pages a week to any one search engine.

Do NOT make copies of a page then submit all those copies to the same search


Do make copies of a page and submit to different search engines. (as search

engines have different algorithms you may want to create an optimized copy for

each search engine, in other words make slight modifications to the page in order

to abide by all the algorithms of that search engine. But make sure you only

submit the one copy of that page, rather than submitting all the copies).

Do NOT use a free domain or sub domain.

Try and get reciprocal links on other sites to your web site. Some search

engines are rumored to have algorithms that give a higher position to those linked

from other web sites.

You could buy another domain name and create a page to the key pages on your

web site. Submit this site to the search engines and the robots should follow the

URLs to those pages.

Last Tip

It is more than likely that your keywords and phrases are already in the body text. A
good way to establish a list of phrases is to print your web pages. Then underline the
key phrases on that page. Then include those key phrases in your title, meta
description and meta keywords. If you keywords are not mentioned twice or more on
your page you have two options:

do NOT include them (well simply because if your keywords are not

mentioned often enough in the body text you will not get a high listing for

that keyword).

adjust the text on your page to include these keywords.

Remember NOT to throw a load of keywords onto one page, there are plenty of other
pages on your web site that you can include other keywords. Too many keywords on
one page may be penalized and including the same keywords on multiple pages may
also be penalized.


After reading all that you are probably thinking "now I know why I just submit my site
with a submission tool and hope for the best, I haven't got time for all that algorithm
stuff". However remember that page optimization and then search engine submission
could save you thousands of dollars or pounds in marketing spend.

About the Author

Mark Austin
Search Engine Submission, Affiliate Programs, Web Site Marketing, Press Release,
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