by: Kelly Paal
I’ve read that a good web site is all about content, content, and oh yes content. Now if you’ve managed to design your site so that you can fill it with great content, what next, how do you know what good content is?
This may be one of those things that you know it when you see it kind of thing but I think that there are a few basic points to make in regards to having good content on your site. Considering how important content is we should all really focus on adding good content to our sites.
One last point but I’m not giving it as much importance as the first three, it would be ideal if all of your content was your own. Now there are exceptions to this, if you can’t write well then there is no point to writing poor articles with good information. The good information will be lost in the lack of writing ability. So it’s okay to use some of the free content, furnished by others, on your site. (Don’t forget to give them credit for their work though.) If you can create your own content I think that it the best case scenario for adding good content to your site.
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