Where have all the web content sites gone

Many web content websites have vanished or stopped in their tracks in
the last few months.

It's quite amazing that this has happened, actually, in the aftermath
of the September 11th tragedies more people than ever are now
using the web to get vital news information in real-time. (Family
members in my household now visit international news websites to get
a different perspective on the events going on!)

Content is still around, websites still advertise for content
creation jobs, and yet the websites for web writers and the content
community have dissipated to a small, yet vital, few.

So, if you're looking for support, news, and training, where should
you go? Here's a rundown of the surviving and thriving websites
and communities for those of us who write online!

Web Page Content
Articles and products to improve web content
>From the website: "75+ ways to make your web content more usable,
readable, credible, accessible and profitable, and attract more
traffic through search engines. New articles every week or so." An
interesting mix of content and creation how-to's.

Amy Gehran continues to write her monthly articles on online writing
and content creation at www.contentious.com. Meet with her when she
travels to DC!

Online Content UK
Online Content UK has moved up to fill the gap in the UK content
scene. They are now hosting events, an online discussion group, and
they plan on adding UK Content Creation jobs in early 2002.

Independents Day
>From the website: "INDEPENDENTS DAY is a worldwide project
celebrating independent content and design on the web. It's supported
by an informal network of designers, artists, writers, editors,
developers, and producers who create content and design to enrich the

Web Writer News
Emily Moorehead's website is packed with news, columns, and resources
for web writers.

If I missed your website, which is a definite possibility, please
email me your details at mysmys@home.com and I'll let everyone know
you're out there!

Publisher of:
The Web Writing Buzz Newsletter

The Writer's Online Survival Guide
http://mysmys.tripod.com hewritersonlinesurvivalguide/
32 packages of Ramen Noodles $4.00
230+ Writing-Specific Job Sources Online $4.00
Not having to spend hours searching on the web for new ramen noodle
recipes or dead-end writing job links Priceless

About the Author
