Why Have An Article Website

Know the fact

Presumably, you already knew what internet is all about. Its all about content. With free quality content, you can easily attract the masses. Some may consider this as an investment while some may treat it as a hobby.

If you are wondering, why some may treat it as an investment. What are there to invest in? Well basically, having your own article website can often be the most powerful marketing weapon. You can increase your product sales or even attract many advertisers to place advertisement (Banners, text links) at your website should the site grows. Visitors will stay at your web site longer because there are lots of articles to read. This gives you additional opportunities at getting more click throughs to your affiliate programs. You could feature links to your affiliate programs on each page you have articles.

While for hobby purpose, some just want to share their knowledge.

In either case, you as the writer, will be treated as a professional by the public within your article categories range.

Now you have a brief idea of benefit in having an article website so how do you go along creating one? Let's imagine in the case where you have establish a very popular article resource site, consisting of some excellent graphic designer and some award-winning writers. How can you make sure each of the individual does their job well and focus on only their section of professionalism? For example, most designers ensure that your article website content looks great. This is what they do best. Writers on the other hand, write excellent articles but can't draw well or build websites.

Hence, you need to allow everyone to concentrate on what they are best at and bring their output together to provide the website a pleasant place for your visitors. The answer? Vezine Content Management application software is what you need.

Brief introduction to Vezine

As you may already have referred to Vezine's website, it is an online content management software that helps you create a full article website easily. Vezine allows you, the owner or administrator (as you call it) manage not only articles, but also allows you to handle your writers, designers and files or images uploaded for any individual articles well.

In addition, Vezine recognizes that Search Engine Friendly Optimization is especially important. Without optimization, your listing in the search engine will not be in a good position.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be easily enhance within your Vezine's administrator panel. The most common optimizing options are friendly URL and meta keywords and descriptions for each individual articles. You can already see an example here in this site.

So as earlier on, we are talking about having individual professionals to each handle their own job well. For this, Vezine allows you create multiple Groups. For example, you may want to create a Writer group. Allow this group to access only the Articles Management section and throw all writer's account into this group and have them login into the admin panel. Once login, they will be restricted with a limited access. Allowing them to only create articles but not tamper with the website templates and designs.

Of course, do the same by creating a Designer group, whereby you should only allow them to access the Templates Management section of the administrator panel. This is how and what you should consider if you want to create a successful article resource website.

There is more to it than meets the eye for this application, hence it is out of the scope for this article to provide a detail explaination for each feature. Check out: http://www.vezine.com/features.php for more information that may surprise you.

Having a successful article website

Now, if you have decided or have already run an article resource website, you will most likely want to stand out among other popular site within your categories.

The most obvious point you should bear in mind is to, keep your article content fresh and updated. Using free content available in the market are not advisable. Try to come out with something unique and perhaps do some comparison, like what interesting or popular topics your competitors do not have as you can consider creating for your site. You can easily know this by doing some market research in various community forums. Just remember, quality content is king!

Another point to note is to spice up some interesting RSS feeds to the public. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. It is an XML-based format for content distribution that contains a list of items, each of which is identified by a link. Each item can have any amount of metadata associated with it. RSS allows the user or their trafffics to see your site topics without going out of their way to visit it. While this seems bad at first glance, it actually improves your site's visibility; by making it easier for your users to keep up to date with your site - allowing them to see it the way they want to - it's more likely that they'll know when something that interests them is available on your site.

You can easily do so with Vezine, create as many feed as you want. An example can be found here in this site, located at your right hand side (Latest News). Once someone click on the topic title, s/he will be redirected to the site where the original content is (Full Story).

Of course, in order to attract audience to use your feeds on their website, you will need to convince them with fresh and updated content often as mentioned above. Hence, whenever new articles are being publish by you or your writers, your audience's website who are using your feeds will also have the latest articles topic listed. This is one of the benefit of RSS.

Optionally, have designers to design a nice professional looking theme for your Vezine. Navigation usuability do play a big role in this, so choose someone who you are sure they have knowledge in this. Refer to The Art Of Vezine for an idea on how to design themes for your Vezine.


Now that you have got a brief idea on what are the benefits of running an article resource site, and an overview of Vezine. You can start right away now. Get yourself a Vezine license and pick up experience as you go and be patient.

Try to focus more on the qualities of your article content instead of giving too much attention to your SEO. Remember, word of mouth by the public is also another way to booast your web site's reputation.

If writing articles is not within your professionalism, try and get a few writers for help. Perhaps pay them even (Remember I said investment?). Or, you can take this chance as a challenge and write a few articles about what you know or do best in.

No matter what, should you have or decided to run an article resource site, do remember the points stated herein this article. There are lots of great articles or tutorials here in Vezine.net, supplying you various tips on using Vezine and how to do job faster.

Read them up and best of luck!

About the Author

George as a Web Designer has been involved with numerous server side programming with PHP and MySQL in the past and current. Visit Vezine Articles for more info.