by: Florie Lyn Masarate
What is the fastest, simplest and cheapest way to promote your business? Postcards.
That is, postcards sent by direct mail. This way, you can send your message to prospective clients for less cost, including the postage fees. You can actually send your postcards repeatedly and still not paying too much for it. Amazing, isn’t it? If you are into postcards sending, you may already be aware of the reasons why you are sending them in the first place.
How do postcards work? You can create leads, generate sales, convince prospective clients to try your products and get your services. If they have gotten your services already, then encourage them to buy again and often. That is how postcard works for you.
Now that you know the purpose of your postcards, it is time to know why people do not response to your cards, why they do not buy from you and why they ignore you.
When people don’t buy from you, it does not necessarily mean that they have already brought from others. There are other reasons why they have not contacted or bought from you. One reason is that they may not have the need for what you are offering. Also sometimes, these people may need you but does not give much attention to that need. All they know is that they do not want what you are offering. If this is the case, all your effort, with time and money, is wasted. Target your marketing. Promote your business to those whom are likely to be serving them. Although there is a possibility that one of those you send randomly may need you, the chances are slim. Focus on more probable clients. Your effort, time and money would not be wasted this way.
Another reason is the money factor. Many people would have liked to buy from you but the money is a big consideration. They would think that they would rather spend it on something more important. The strategy to do here is to make them aware that getting your services would provide them with the most benefits. That what you can offer is better than others. Make them feel that they would not be losing their money on something that is useless. Give them the services and the products that they can consider a great catch and will be worthwhile. Money is valuable for them so give them something with that same value or more valuable.
Now that you know the whys in not getting a response to your postcards, you may want to rethink your marketing strategy and take these factors into account. You never know what it can do to your business.
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