Writing Good Content For Your Website - The Basics

When promoting a business online, odd gimmicks and flashy videos don't do the job well in the long run. If you really want to get recognized and taken seriously, be aware that the top search engines are looking for good content writing. There is nothing wrong with a video or image, but nothing takes the place of good, readable content that's search engine rich and people find informative.

Writing your content well will make the difference in how your website will rank on the search engine page. Clever content management systems will make it easier to construct words and sentences to increase visibility to the search engines. It is very important to make sure that your grammar and spelling are correct, as your page content will be checked out by the search engines. They actually have writing filters. To get your site to the top of the search results, writing well is critical.

Should you feel that your writing skills are lacking, the employ of a professional writer would be in your best interest. At least someone who can proofread your copy and knows the rules of grammar and spelling. However, before any writing begins, you must first plan out what you want communicated to your target audience, your time of delivery, and the expected responses. Strategize on what you intend to say and how you want to say it.

It is said that it takes 90 days to form a habit, good or bad. One good habit to form when it comes to your writing, is having someone available to check your spelling and grammar for any content you write. Even when adding or changing content, have someone follow-up after you. Most times, no matter how much you read over it, there is always something you've missed.

To make the rules easier to follow, first write your content in the latest version of Microsoft Word or your favorite word processor. Preferably one that can automatically check your spelling and grammar. However, nothing can replace a person who can actually proof your work. You want unique, well-written content.

Include links within your content that will direct your audience to other parts of your site. Make it easy for them to navigate, getting to more of your well-written content. When a searcher can find what he wants on your site with the minimum amount of clicks, he or she will more than likely return to your site and refer others. If your business is about umbrellas, but you don't mention the word "umbrella" in your content with a link to another page, your site may find it more difficult to get ranked well. This may seem like a ridiculous example, but your written content should be relevant to what you're offering so the search engines know what to rank you for.

Websites that consistently get top rankings among search engines have a few things in common:

1. The text is arranged in a scannable fashion. This is very important, as not everyone will read your content. By breaking up the content by sub-headings or using words that stand out, searchers can easily scan your content and find what they want. Long drawn out paragraphs will only make them look elsewhere.

2. Keywords are made to standout by using a different font, or by making them bold or in headlines.

3. Titles are made clear by communicating what is meant without using cliches or puns.

4. Paragraphs are short and sweet, focusing on one idea.

5. No fluffy, inflated sales language. Stay down to earth and get to the point.

By lending yourself to time and practice, you will learn how to write quality web content that people will want to read, come back for more of and importantly share with others. The sharing part will help you rank well in the search engines as more and more people link to your quality content.