Writing the Income-Generating Web Site


This new article about writing income-generating Web copy is for
your readers who sell products or services from their Web site.
Thanks for considering it for an upcoming issue of your


Scott T. Smith
publisher, 'Starting Point' newsletter
800.798.4471 | +1 406.585.0181


(624 words)

'Writing the Income-Generating Web Site'

Your Web site has a single motive:

To 'ignite' your visitors to take action.

This prime motive is behind every element of your Web site
design and content. Start with the idea that you have one chance
to reach your customers. They will never return to your site
unless you make it worth their while, and they will not buy
unless you encourage/force/ask them to.

This will impact the 3 prime elements working together in any
excellent Web site ‹ the mechanics, content, and design. Right
now, let's focus on the mechanics of writing.

Your Template for Success

Here is a simple template for a Web site which you can readily
adapt to meet your needs. Use it as a jumping-off point for an
income-generating Web presence.

The 3-Part Home Page & MUST-HAVE Button

1. Headline

A strong, enticing headline is the most important element of
your home page, because it is the first impression you make on
your visitors. Make it complete enough to provide real food for
thought, and long enough for any graphics to load further down
on the page.

The secret to a good Web headline is that visitors want to read
about THEMSELVES, not about you. Their first question will
always be:

'What's in this Web site for me?'

That's what you need to tell them right away. State a benefit
that clearly enhances their life, using power words such as
'Discover', 'Announcing', 'Breakthrough', 'Facts', 'New', 'Now',
'Save', 'Yes' ‹ all words that are active, grab the attention of
your visitors, and promise them something.

The two most powerful words to motivate your prospects to read
further are 'You', and 'Free'.

2. Proposition

A proposition is prospect-centered. It is all about them. Either
it states their current situation, and 'ain't it awful', or it
reveals a dream they have about what their life could become:
'If only...'

Go back to the roots of the product or service you are offering.
Why does it exist in today's world, and what good does it do for
people? Ask yourself why you are involved with it. Be
idealistic. The proposition section of your home page sets up a
kind of vacuum, which you are about to fill with...

3. Benefits

A benefit is anything that will make your customer's life better
by using your product or service. This is the payoff, and the
crucial section of your home page where you must deliver the
goods. Take a good look at what you are promoting, and then...

Write down each and every benefit you can, with no thought about
which is the most important. You'll order them later. Write down
everything that can possibly do your customer some good.

After finishing this 'brain dump', go back and prioritize. Don't
prioritize as you go, because that will inhibit you. List first,
order second. When writing your home page, companion pages, and
sales letter, begin with benefit one, then two, three and so on
down to the least significant.


The MUST-HAVE Button: Your Benefit-Rich Sales Letter

The one button you absolutely must link to from your home page
is your benefit-rich sales letter.

A good home page is already a clear call to action. But it also
can't go on for too long or you will put visitors off. The
analogy of your home page as an interesting magazine index is a
good one. You should offer enough provocative information that
any visitor absolutely must go deeper into your site. They just
can't hold themselves back.

Remember, it is the benefit-rich sales letter that always closes
the sale.

About the Author

Scott T. Smith of Copywriting.Net. Generate MORE
sales with your Web site copy. For a free consultation visit
http://www.copywriting.net or call 1.800.798.4471 (toll-free in
the US).