Writing Your Body Content

It is said that search engines like to see a certain amount of words in the body of your html page. That is true, if you don't have a certain amount of words in the body, then that page will not be considered a viable page.
And not just any words, making your content relevant to your site is the key. In order to achieve the right balance, apply some common sense and think it through.

Sometimes it can be difficult to come up with content that might help describe a certain aspect of your business. Looking at other sites on the internet is always a good place to browse for ideas. Keeping in mind that you are only browsing. You might look at ten different sites and pull ideas from each of them. Once you do this, you will find that your limits will be broaden when it comes to placing the right kind of words on your web page.

Here is a simple example of how a person might increase relevant content on a web page. Keep the word relevant in mind. Let's say you have a flower shop and you sale flowers from your website. Your site is up and running and seems to be generating some traffic. The site contains a description of your business page, a services offered page, a store and an order form page. What do you think is the most important section of this site? I would say the store is. So let's see how we can increase content that is relevant for that page or section of your website.

note: Just because the store might be the most important section of the site does not mean that other parts of your site are less important.

Currently when you go to the store you see: a picture of a flower on the left and the name of the flower and price on the right side of the picture. This is repeated for each flower as you scroll down the page. As I look at this page I realize that a lot more can be down by means of content. We will move the name of the flower and price to the bottom of the picture, on the right side we will have a two to three sentence paragraph that will describe the flower in a manner that is enticing, prompting the reader to look back at the picture to make the purchase.

Having a short description for each item will build body content in a short time period. Using this method which I call "Item Identification" will also allow you to create more pages. Indexing three pages compared to one is better when you submit to search engines and just by adding a short description for each item will increase your traffic after you submit your revised pages.

About the Author

Rob Wiley has spent the last 13 years serving the media industry in fields involving graphic design, marketing, website design and development. His experience has been shared with numerous businesses that have profited from his advice and skills.

website: www.NADmedia.net