Your Website Presence Is The First Impression

I decided to update my site to make it both more user friendly and easier for search engines to find my site. I also decided that while I was at it, I would do away with the black background with white text and add a bit of flair, as well as making the text easier on the eye.

I am not big on sites that plaster text in an extremely chaotic manner all over the page. For one reason, the page is hard to follow. The page will be easier and have a flow to it if the text is laid out in a logical sequence. I believe that I have accomplished that with my revised site.

Once you enter my site you will see that I have placed my primary service in the forefront, on the front page. There is a paragraph that describes my website design and a price table directly below with the design packages that I offer. Embedded within the text are links to other related pages within my site, for example links to my website design page where a visitor can view samples of my work, as well as go to the actual sites by utilizing the links on that page.

Further down the page is more text, in paragraph form that describes the other services that I offer at

I believe that your site should be unique to your business and that it should have a pleasant flow to it. No one wants to stay on a site that frustrates them. I have been on sites where I go in to find one thing, only to be hit with a never ending amount of text plastered all over the page as well as graphics and if that isn