10 Breast Health TIPS

1. Regulate your Hormones Most breast cancer tumours are ESTROGEN receptor positive. About 85% of all breast cancers are Estrogen Dominant. Avoid using the birth control pill and hormone replacement therapy. Consult a holistic health care provider to perform Saliva Hormone levels and educate you on natural solution to menopausal and hormonal symptoms. Check your thyroid hormones as hypothyroidism often precedes breast cancer. Just checking your TSH levels with your doctor may not be enough. Check for other ways of checking your thyroid with a natural health care practitioner such as a Naturopath or Homeopath. Iodine and Selenium are co-factors in thyroid metabolism. A deficiency of these and other essential nutrients may be responsible for certain symptoms, as they all play a role in optimizing the health of the thyroid.

2. Nutrition