A Crash Course in Tarot for Newbies #3

Tarot is an art of divination that is gradually gaining popularity among new age enthusiasts. The practice involves the use of a deck of 78 cards known as the tarot deck, which is divided into two categories, the major arcana and the minor arcana.

For newbies who are just starting, a crash course in tarot can help you understand the basics and get you started on your tarot journey. In this article, we are going to give you an overview of the third part in our crash course in tarot for newbies, which is about the minor arcana.

The minor arcana consists of 56 cards that are divided into four suits - wands, cups, swords, and pentacles. Each suit has 14 cards, which are numbered from ace to ten, and four court cards - the Page, Knight, Queen, and King.


The wands suit is associated with the element of fire and represents creativity, passion, and enthusiasm. It is also linked to the willpower and the ability to take action. A wand card in a reading often indicates a new beginning, energy, and movement.


The cups suit is associated with the element of water and represents emotional energy, intuition, and the subconscious. It is also linked to love, relationships, and creativity. A cup card in a reading often indicates feelings, emotions, and a need for inner fulfillment.


The swords suit is associated with the element of air and represents the mental realm, thoughts, and ideas. It is linked to intellect, strategy, and decision-making. A sword card in a reading often indicates challenges and conflicts, mental or emotional struggle, and the need for a clear-headed approach to problem-solving.


The pentacles suit is associated with the element of earth and represents the physical realm, finances, and material possessions. It is linked to practicality, security, and success. A pentacle card in a reading often indicates stability, prosperity, and a material or financial gain.

Court cards

The court cards represent people in a tarot reading and depict different personality types that can be associated with each suit. The Page represents youthful energy and enthusiasm, the Knight is associated with fast-moving energy, the Queen represents nurturing and intuition, and the King represents mature leadership and authority.

In conclusion, the minor arcana of the tarot deck is an integral part of the tarot practice that gives more depth and specificity to a tarot reading. Each suit and card in the minor arcana has its unique meaning, and a tarot reader must understand and interpret them to give an accurate reading.

As a newbie to tarot, it is essential to spend time familiarizing yourself with the different cards in the deck and how to interpret them. You can start with a simple daily single-card reading and gradually work your way up to more complex spreads.

Remember, tarot is not about predicting the future but rather a tool for self-discovery and guidance. With dedication and practice, you can become an adept tarot reader and use the wisdom of the tarot to enhance your daily life.