Champagne Diamonds - How Long Will You Be Able To Afford Them

Champagne diamonds are actually colored diamonds which usually develop by natural means in no more than a small number of locations around the earth. Mined primarily in the Argyle mine in Australia, these diamonds are usually light brown diamonds, or even yellow diamonds with a tint of brown. As with all fancy colored diamonds, their color derives from a range of included impurities. Nonetheless, unlike some other fancies, champagne diamonds are Type II colored diamonds.

Type I colored diamonds are diamonds whose coloration is actually made from external non-diamond sources, particularly integrated impurities, such as nitrogen and also boron, or natural radiation. Nitrogen is actually the most readily found impurity and produces Yellowish and also Orange diamonds. Boron generates fancy Blues. Natural radiation on the other hand, typically generates green diamonds.

Type II fancies tend to be produced whenever there is a problem with the crystalline lattice of the diamond in the course of its development. For example, powerful pressures could cause deformation of the crystal lattice, dispersing light and creating Reds, Pinks, Browns and Champagne diamonds.

Champagne diamonds range in tone from a pale hay brown to a rich deep cognac brown. They are notably prized for their sparkling brownish hue, which can also have flashes of gold, pink, copper and peach. Champagnes are really attractive gemstones!

The Earth Star and the Golden Jubilee are two of the most famous Champagne diamonds. More than fifty percent of the 248.9 carats of the diamond rough of the Earth Star was lost when it was cut into a astonishing 111.59 carat cognac hued Pear shape. This is still one of the most significant diamonds of its category on the earth. But the most important faceted diamond is even now reckoned to be the Golden Jubilee diamond which has a yellow brown Champagne coloring and is widely perceived as the most gorgeous diamond ever.

When they were initially uncovered in the Argyle mine in Australia, Champagnes were viewed as everywhere. They were without doubt a great deal more plentiful compared to other colored diamonds! And because they are generally significantly more affordable when compared to clear diamonds, Champagnes even now make an easily affordable alternative to white diamonds. All the same, this state of affairs may not last a long time.

Since their discovery, the Argyle mine has continued to be the fundamental resource of Champagnes for the worldwide jewelry markets. The truth is over 95% of Champagnes for sale globally are derived from the Argyle mine. However, supplies are seemingly running out. And since no additional supply of Champagne diamonds has been discovered, yet the desire for Champagnes keeps growing, these glorious diamonds are becoming rarer.

Which surely means their prices must go up shortly!